First time

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The title could be misleading...or is it?

The next day, peter woke up to a call from wade.
"A wake up call is nice." He mumbled.

"I wanted to at least give you some warning before coming over."

"You're coming over, now?" Peter jolts up.

"Yeah, I wanna be with you all day today." Wade sounded child-like, it was cute.
Peter stutters out half baked words, Wade could only assume he was trying to say he was excited.
"Is that okay?" He smiles against the phone.

"Yeah, sure." He jumps out of bed, "I need to get dressed."

"Well hurry up, baby boy." He said flirtatiously.

Peter was dressed in five minutes, making sure he looked good in the mirror then went downstairs and ate a piece of toast.
"Are you not eating anything else?" Aunt May asked.

"No, I'm not hungry. Um, wade is actually coming in a little bit."
And on cue, a knock was at the door. Peter runs to answer it.
"Hi wade."

"Morning cutie."

"And what are you doing today?" Aunt May asked.

"I was going to take peter on a breakfast date, and then have an adventure."

"Awe, have fun."

"Bye aunt May."

They jump into Wade's car, "is that really what we're doing?"

"Yeah, it's breakfast time, I didn't eat and I know you didn't either."

"I just had a piece of toast."

"Nope, you need more than that. To the Waffle House."

At the Waffle House, Wade didn't wear his hood up for once and of course people stared at him.
"Mommy, that guy looks like a toe." Said a little boy.

"Shush, that's not nice." She scolded her young one.

"Make sure you eat your veggies, or you'll look like this too." Wade grins at him and continues to walk to his seat.
The kid began to eat all his food quickly and the mother glares at Wade's receding back.
"Are you okay wade?"

"Yeah, I'm used to it. I've heard way worse."

"I wish people would keep their shitty comments to themselves." He groans.

"I've never heard spidey swear before." He whispered with a grin.

"Shut up, don't let anyone hear you. And yeah I swear sometimes." Peter glares at him.

"Don't worry, no one heard me, you're the only one with super hearing in here."

They enjoyed a big breakfast, due to how much they ate the bill was pricey, but Wade could pay easily.
"I don't want to know where you got that much money." Said Peter as they left.

"Nope, so what's next? I think the movies sound good."

"Yeah, there is a new DC movie out, it's about the teen Titans." Peter got excited, like a nerd.

"Oh yeah, let's go see that."

They got to the movies at a good time, there was 20 minutes until the movie was starting, enough time to get popcorn and drinks. Because in the time it took them to get there, they were hungry again. Absolute bottomless pits they were.
It was fairly empty, they had plenty of seats to choose from.
"Hey, wanna sit on my lap?" Wade smiles with a wink.

"Don't say that, we're in public." He blushed.

"You're so cute when you get shy."

"Can you ever be serious?"

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