Wait what?

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Plot twist?
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A few weeks later, "Deadpool, behind you."
The chaotic hero acted quickly and swirls through the air, just missing the swings of the enemies sword.
"I can show you how to really use a sword." He wields both his swords and splits the guy in half.

"Dude, bleh." Spider-Man almost puked in his mask, thankfully he held it in.

"Sorry, I unalived the bad guy, what's the problem?"

"You don't have to do that." He held his stomach, still unsettled by how the alpha handled things.

"It's easier, anyways, you smell extra nice today. Did you get in a relationship?" The alpha smells the air near him.

"I said don't smell me, but yes I did."

"Sorry, can't help it. But hey I did too."

Spider-Man was surprised, he was also glad that the alpha wouldn't be bothering him anymore.
"So, is that perfume or your scent?" Deadpool continued to ask.

"Um, I don't use perfume."

"Wow, okay, it's  intense. If we're done here, I'm gonna go see my omega now." He runs off and Spider-Man figured he could go home too and get ready to see his alpha.
He changed in an alley and walked home.
Aunt May wasn't home yet so he didn't have to sneak in or rush to his room.
"A shower sounds great." He sighs.

When he was done getting clean he checks his phone to see a missed text and call from wade.
"Hey baby boy, I'm coming over in 20 minutes." It was sent 15 minutes ago.
"Oh crap, why did I take so long in the shower."
He scrambled to get dressed and fix his hair, and brush his teeth.

The door bell rings making Peter jump, "he's here." Blush was on his cheeks quickly, and he goes down to answer the door.

"Hey baby boy." He steps closer, and slowly hugs Peter.

"Um, my aunt isn't home right now. Did you want to go out somewhere?"

"Why?" He pulls away, "we have privacy here."
That's what Peter didn't want, he was nervous the alpha would try to go forward past kissing.
Wade of course could smell the nervous scent he gave off.
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, um I just thought we could go out and um..."

"Peter, you don't have to be so nervous around me. I'm not going to do anything that would hurt you."
He visibly calms down and the soft scent of happiness filled Wade's nasals.
"We can still go out if you want, but don't feel pressured to do anything." Wade continued.

"Um, I actually have this new movie we could watch." He goes into the cabinet next to the television and pulls out a case titled, the adventures of Spider-Man.
"It's animated but it looked really cool."

"Wow, you really like Spider-Man."

"Yeah, so." He blushed, feeling guilty about lying to Wade, but he had to keep him safe from bad guys. Funny, the alpha is usually the one who protects the omega.
Wade flops on the couch as Peter puts in the dvd.
"I'll make some popcorn."

"Can't watch a movie without popcorn." Wade smiles.

Peter comes back with the salty treat and sits next to Wade.
"I won't bite, you can sit closer." He teased.
Peter was slow as he moved a little closer, it's only been a month and he's still nervous to get close to wade.
"Can I put my arm around you?" Asked wade.

"Um, yeah."
They get closer and Peter settles in his side, unconsciously scenting the alpha.
He felt prideful to have the omega scent him, he leans over and kissed his head, and brushed his nose through chocolate hair.
His scent smelled so good, and yet it made him think where he smelled it before.

"It's so sweet, like lavender. Huh, spidey smelled like that too. I guess omegas smell like lavender." Wade thought to himself.
[you know each omega has their own different scent, right?] the voice said.
"Wait, does that mean two different omegas can't smell like lavender?"
[no, so either your nose is off, or your boyfriend is Spider-Man.]
Wade continued to have an in brain conversation with the voice, and having a bit of a crisis.

"Wade? Wade, you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. I was in my head for a bit."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He cuddles closer to the omega and kissed his head. Peter turns his head and kissed wade on the cheek.
"You missed, try again." He smirks.
Peter blushed but leans towards him, closing his eyes and softly kissed Wade.
The alpha caressed his cheek, deepening the kiss.


"You wanna sit on my lap?"

"Um, sure."
He picks Peter up and sat him on his lap.
"Let's continue that kiss."
Wade gently kissed him, working his tongue in and earning a small moan from Peter, whom tried to use his tongue as well.
Wade trails his lips to the sensitive skin of Peter's neck, elating another soft moan from the omega.
"You smell so good." Wade mused against his neck.

"Don't say stuff like that." He flustered.

"But it's true, and your reactions are cute."
He continued to take big whiffs of Peter's scent.
"I remember this scent, but not from you."
Wade recalls what the voice said, "no, are you Spider-Man?"

"Huh!? Why would you think that?" He stands up quickly.

"Because omegas all have their own scents and you and Spider-Man smell the same."

"And how do you know what Spider-Man smells like?" His face was angry and a bit confused.

"Um, shit. I guess I have to expose myself. I'm deadpool."
Peter was shocked, eyes popping from his head in bewilderment.
"Wait, what?" He remembered how he thought the two could be one in the same, but wade acted much nicer than Deadpool, but it makes sense, they have the same burn marks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you the first time we met."

"I can't believe it. We talked- Spider-Man and Deadpool talked, about liking certain people. We talked about each other, without even knowing." He rambled.

"I know it's crazy."
Peter started pacing around the room, mumbling to himself, trying to grasp what little sense he had left.
"Peter, we both have double lives, it's okay."

"But, you're a killer. I'm dating a contract killer."

"It's just a job, it's not like I get my rocks off from it."

"Please leave."

"What, why?"

"Because I said so. I can't look at you right now, you kill people wade." Tears start to fall down his cheeks, he ran up to his room slamming the door shut. The echo of the door was loud throughout the house, Wade felt completely defeated and slumped out of the house.
"I fucked up."

Sorry not sorry. Don't come at me.

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