42 - Scarlett

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His voice was the first thing I heard, the sound of him filling my senses and making me feel alive, it was him making me want to step out of the darkness just so I could see him again. He was my light, and I knew I would do anything to be with him, anything for him to hold me in his arms, anything to hear him tell me he loves me, anything for him to forgive me. I think I had always known - from the moment we shared our first kiss - he was the love of my life - he made my life whole.

The mumbled sound of his voice came clearer - my eyes slowly but surely opening - I tried blinking - once, twice and finally on the third attempt my eyes became unstuck, I blinked again and again as my sight adjusted to light for what seemed like the first time in days.
His back was to me, his posture hard as if he was ready to fight and he was yelling.

"Stop, Just fucking stop Seb. It's not happening, I don't care ok"

"Carson" my brother tried to interrupt him,

"No. I don't want to hear it"

"Carson" Seb tried again

"Enough is enough, I'm right where I need to be"

"Carson stop" my brother put his hands up as if in surrender and used his head to point towards me "look"

As if in slow motion he turned, our eyes meeting. Mine filling with tears as I tried to reach out for him but failed.

"Cage" I didn't recognise my own voice, croaky and harsh as if it hadn't been used in awhile,

"Lettie" He breathed, his shoulder deflating as he closed the distance, picked my hand up in his own he brought his lips to my forehead, my cheek and finally my lips - not moving far when he spoke,

"Thank fucking god"

"I'll let the Dr know" Seb whispered, coming over and giving me a kiss on the cheek "Don't do this shit to us again Scarlett, I don't think we would survive it"

Carson never looked away from me, never turned to Seb as he smiled and made his way out of the room and leaving us on our own.


I whispered, my throat ached

"Shhhh baby, it's ok. I'm right here"

"I'm so sorry Carson, I can't even"

"Baby" he stopped me "Don't worry about it, nothing in the world matters right now except having you here with me, fuck Scarlett I thought"

His eyes closed as if the words he was about to say would cause him too much pain.

"I'm" our conversation was halted by the door opening, the tall fair haired male doctor striding up to the bed, Seb following close behind.

"Well hello Mrs. Cage, I'm Dr. Reed, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure you have a lots of questions but firstly how are you feeling?"

I took some time  to think about what he was asking, I had been so relieved to see Carson's face when I woke up and aching to feel his lips pressed to mine I hadn't even thought or paid any attention to the state I was in. I took a deep breath, wincing as I did.
Carson pulled my hand between his and sat on the armchair next to the bed,

"My head, my head really hurts, and when I breath and why is my voice like this"

The doctor pulled the stethoscope from around his next and moved closer,

"Everything you are telling me matches with the injuries you experienced in the accident"

He then went into detail explaining each injury I had, from the concussion, the broken ribs, fractures in my leg, numerous cuts, abrasions and gravel burn. I had glue holding one cut together that ran down my arm and another across my cheek. And every time he listed something else I felt Carson's grip tighter and tighter on my hand. The doctor spoke while moving around the room and taking my vitals.

"Scarlett, everything seems ok. Your blood pressure is slightly elevated but that is to be expected. I will send a nurse in to give you something for the pain, your throat will be sore from the breathing tubes.

I nodded,

"My kids, when can I go home?"

"Well, your husband has been quite adamant that he is more than capable of providing you care and that he has more than enough help at home so if everything travels well over the next 24 hours we may be able to look at discharging you tomorrow"

I looked towards Carson who just shrugged and smiled at me,

"Do you have any more questions?"

I shook my head, Dr. Reed smiled,

"Your husband has my number and definitely knows how to use it. Just let me know if there is anything I can do"

"Thank you Jason" Cage commented, standing from his chair and shaking the doctors hand, Dr Reed tuned and flashed his smile at me once more before departing the room. Apparently being Carson Cage got your certain privileges at the hospital.

Seb came closer and gave me another peck on the cheek,

"God damn it's good to have you back sis. I'm going to go and call Mum and let her know your awake" he turned to Carson "you want the kids here?"

Carson's nodded,

"Yeah, they will be screaming to see their mother, let them come"

"No worries brother, I'll sort it out"

Seb gave me one more kiss before leaving,

"Love you little sis, I'm so fucking happy your awake"

"I love you too Seb"

Seb grinned wide at me, giving Carson a hug and a slap on the back before leaving us alone again, Carson was by my side in an instant - his warm soft lips pressing against my forehead, cheeks snd finally my own lips.

"You are never, ever, leaving my side again Lettie. You understand me. Everywhere you go, I go - got it"

"Cage, I don't" I hated the sound of my voice as it cracked, the tears that had been threatening to spill since I'd opened my eyes were finally running down my cheeks,

"Sshhhh, it's ok baby. We don't need to do this now. All I need from you, all I want from you is just for you to get better"

"I can't come home Cage" I whispered, "Look at me, I'm going to require a lot of help, I'll be useless"

Carson laughed, throwing himself back down on the chair and with his eyebrow raised he spoke

"I want you home with us Lettie, the kids are good. My parents are going to stay with us for awhile until you can do a bit more, I've got someone overseeing the health club for me so I'll be able to be a home more"

He sighed, leaning forward he rested his arms on his knees and hung his head, it took a few moment before he lifted it again our eyes meeting.

"Do you not want to come home with me Lettie, is that why"

"No, Cage. I want to be home with you, I want everything with your Carson. God I am so sorry"

"It's all I need to hear for now Scarlett, ok. It's you and me baby - we've got this"

ScarlettWhere stories live. Discover now