13 - Scarlett

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Scarlett's POV:

So I guess to say shit hit the fan over the next few weeks would be some what of an understatement - I knew things were going to get messy so I talked to Seb and took some time off work while I figured things out.
I told Carson everything that happened with Jax - and he was fuming - saying stuff about Jax always hanging around waiting for him to fuck shit up with me so he could swoop in and save the day, it took him two days to calm down and by the time he called me wanting to continue our conversation in person it was too late and I had already flown home to Logan, so the rest of our conversations were done via phone though mostly it was just Cage talking to Loges - we hardly spoke at all.
Jax did his usual disappearing act - the day after he left me in the city he was constantly sending me messages and called me when he could - that was over two weeks ago - I hadn't heard from him since, he was not answering my calls and the few texts I had sent were left on read.
I really didn't know what it was I wanted, Jax and I had always played around but we never managed to be able to get our timing right and now I honestly didn't know what to think - was this his way of telling me he didn't want me... and Carson - I really did love him - but all we seemed capable of doing was hurting each other over and over again and what if our little man one day got dragged into it. It was less than a month ago I had been excited by the possibility of our future, we had started trying for another baby and he was giving up his career for us.
My life was an absolute mess, I was an absolute mess.

"Hey Lettie"

Carson's name had flashed across the screen of my phone before I answered it confused me, it was to late for home to be calling Logan.

"Carson, what's up? its kind of late - Loges is sleeping"

"I know, I wanted to talk to you baby"

"Oh, ok - is everything ok?"


"No?" He sighed and I could picture him running his large hand over his face,

"I miss you Lettie, I really fucking miss you"

"I know Cage, I miss you too"

"We've really made a mess of this haven't we? My shit with Amelia and you with Jackson"

"Yeah I guess we have" I chuckled,

"Are you laughing?" I knew by the tone in his voice he was smiling,

"Well I'm tired of crying"

Silence stretched between the two of us, it wasn't an awkward one though - I actually relaxed into the sound of his breath through the phone,

"I'll do whatever you want ok baby, whatever you think you need to do"

"Carson I just don't know"

"I know baby, but I just want you to know I'll do whatever you want just please don't take Logan away from me"

"I would never do that Cage, you are his father"

"I love you Lettie, I am so sorry"

"I know, I love you Cage and I'm sorry too"

Another week went by, I still hadn't heard from Jax and it was driving me crazy - we needed to talk so after a month of avoiding the office and every person in there I made my way through the building, stoping briefly to take a deep breath before knocking twice and walking into Jax's office.

"Hey, oh sorry, Brenda what's going on?"

"Good morning Mrs. Cage, good to see you back"

"Thanks Brenda, what's going on?"

"Oh, just packing the rest of Mr. Knights things, Mr. Stilton asked them to be sent down to storage for the time being"

"And where is Mr. Knight?"

"He has taken up permanently in the new resort, you're brother surely mentioned it" Nope he absolutely did not mention this - not that I was going to tell Brenda the secretary that,

"Ah yeah, of course - first day back you know"

I watched as Brenda kept moving things from Jackson's desk placing them into various boxes, smiling at me as she picked up a framed picture from his desk and passing it to me,

"Do you want to hang onto this?"

I took it, looking at the picture of a young Jax with his arm around me, I shook my head passing it back to her,

"No, thanks Brenda - I better go and find Seb"

"Ok Mrs. Cage, gave a good day"

"Thank you Brenda, you too"

I made my way to Seb's office, his door was open so I knocked briefly before walking in and closed the door behind me,

"Hey sis, welcome back"

"Thanks" I paused, taking a seat across from him "Seb, where is Jackson?"


"Jackson, where is he, why is Brenda packing up his office, why did you tell her to put his things into storage?"

"He didn't tell you" I shook my head "fucking asshole" he whispered under his breath,


"Ok" he rubbed a hand over his face before he continued "I know about you, he told me, the on again off again thing since high school, I know everything Scar, I know about the secret dating in uni, he told me about the night before your wedding and I know the two of you met up in the city after the thing with Carson went down, I know you were together"

"Ok, if you want me to apologise"

"No, that's not what this is about, Scar - Jax came to me, he was a mess, drunk and spouting some shit about not being good enough for you and not being able to give you the life you deserved or being a decent man for you, he told me he was in love with you Scarlett, he wanted me to fight him. He was really hurting, I don't think he has ever properly dealt with all the shit he has gone through"

"So where is he?"

"He's gone, he came in here two weeks ago, called Dad up and met us in the office, he is gone Scarlett - doing what Mum and Dad did and travelling the world to aquire new businesses"

"Oh my god" I whispered "he left me" I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears that were threatening to escape from falling, but Seb didn't miss anything - he was by my side in an instant, kneeling in front of me brushing a piece of my hair behind my ear,

"He needs time Scarlett, time and space to sort some stuff out Scar and so do you, this stuff with Carson is still so fresh and you need to sort it out - it wouldn't be fair to either of you or Logan. Look Scarlett I get that there was something between you two but he has changed his number and asked me to make sure you don't have it"

"He doesn't want to talk to me?"

"No Scar, I'm so sorry"

I forced a smile at my brother, taking a few deep breaths before standing and making my way to my own office, closing the door behind me I sank to the floor. I had come to the office with a purpose this morning, I needed to talk to Jackson, I needed to tell him about the baby, I wanted to tell him we had made a baby that night in the city - that I was pregnant and that he, Jackson Knight was going to be a father.

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