How they would wake their kids up

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•You'd be sadly mistaken if you think she is any more sweeter with her kids than she is with anyone else when it comes to waking them up.

•She's the type of mom to bust through the door and yell at her children until the poor things scramble to their feet.


•She'll try to gently wake them by whispering their name or moving their hair out of their face..just nothing too startling.


•Despite being an asshole when it comes to adhering to strict schedules- Danse has a huge soft spot for his babies.

•Instead of ripping the blankets away like he does with sole, he'll try to just give his kiddos a gentle shake..and if that doesn't work he'll give up.


•Sends Dogmeat in there to fetch them.


•Obnoxiously sings a "good morning" song and turns on every light possible.


•Honestly, Mac is probably sleeping in past the time his children wake up- so they usually are the ones to wake you and him up.


•Another one with a huge soft spot for his babies despite the rough exterior.

•Refuses to wake them up because of this- gets sole to do it if they don't just naturally wake up. Hopefully their immersion into the "brotherhood" way of life will make them wake up early anyways...


•Although not directly him waking them up per se, he prefers to make breakfast and have his children come tumbling into the kitchen. Besides- who doesn't love waking up to the smell of Brahmin meat? Appetizing...

Old Longfellow:

•throws water on them and laughs.


•Again- you're not out sleeping Piper.


•Very gently nudges his babes until they finally wake up- even if they are royally pissed.


"Child, wake up. Now."

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