Gage and Macready reacting to sole dying

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Original prompt and "story"  can be found in the first installation of this 😭


"Boss? (Y/n)...stop it- this ain't funny. I...fuck! No you don't get to do this! You can't..please don't.."

•At first he wanted to pretend he didn't know what was happening, hold on tightly to the hope of your life still being salvageable. However when that no longer was plausible, a piece of him prayed that it was just some terrible fucking joke. Maybe you and those raiders had this planned? Maybe the whole lot of you would pop up and say "Gotcha!" But..that just wasn't the truth, was it?

•When the reality of the situation finally hit, when your blood started to become cold and sticky on his hands- that's when he lost it. Instead of feeling burning anger, all gage felt was true vulnerability- sobbing like a little boy with teardrops falling on your creepily peaceful face.

•He no longer had a plan. He wasn't in control. He wasn't able to move on past this.

•Gage wouldn't be able to handle anything after this- becoming noticeably unhinged. He never was kind, but after this Gage becomes ruthless enough to make even the disciples uncomfortable. He'd finally take his position as Overboss..but everyday felt ever worse than the previous one without you there to greet him with a smiling face when he wakes up.


"Hey, your eyes (y/n). It's not that bad..huh? Yeah, come on..if we get up now we can get you patched up...come on please? What..what about Shaun? What about Duncan..what 'bout me? You can't can't just do this.."

•Despite the pain it caused, he'd try so hard to keep you moving- trying to ignore your agonizing screams as he held you in his arms. He just had to do something. He couldn't do nothing again.

•So he tried his best- holding you for a good couple minutes while he desperately tried to make it to the nearest settlement..but it didn't take terribly long enough for him to realize that you were no longer there. The screams had stopped, your hand now limp instead of holding onto his lapel....

•Unwilling to believe it, he kept going- crying until his grief consumed him and he could no longer hold you. Instead he crumpled to his feet and screamed horrifically into the uncaring audience of the commonwealth's sky.

•The worst part was having to come home with you wrapped up in a sheet- Duncan and Shaun trotting their way over with their innocent happy eyes..just moments before their world fell from under them.

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