Romanced companions react to shaun accidentallg calling them mom/dad

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"Aye..Oh shite.."

•She wasn't stupid, she knew this day would come.
•She just didn't think Shaun would say it so nonchalantly, as though she was always his "mom".
•She can't help but stare, her mouth going dry and ground beginning to sway beneath her feet.
•She just hopes he doesn't notice.


"Que viens-tu de dire..*clears throat*."

•It caught her completely off gaurd.
•He slipped up and said while she was teaching him a little bit of French, so yeah, totally off gaurd.
•Either way, she got over her shock and wrapped an arm around his little shoulders.
•She could definitely get used to having him call her that.


"Hello shaun, um, you feel up to joining me for some shooting practice? It's never too early to train, plus I think it would be best that we put your laser rifle modification to the test."

•Ya'll know the "O.O" face that Danse makes? Well he makes it then.
•Tries his level best to keep his composure but just ends up rambling.
•So very proud, but also terrified because now he feels like the official responsibility of the title is his- despite already carrying out his fatherly duties way beforehand.



•It was a very good thing that he was so well versed in putting up facades,
•Deacon's whole world livened with that accidental word but he knew that dropping to his knees and sobbing like a baby wasn't going to blow over well with the kid that was just trying to ask him if he's seen a hot plate nearby.
•Still, there's no denying that Deacon finally felt a sense of completion in his he just couldn't wait to tell sole.


"..*chokes on nuka-cola* W-what's going on, kid?"

•When I say he nearly has a heart attack...
•Adjusting to the whole "your boss that is also your lover has a kid" thing was something for him to conquer, having Shaun just outright call him dad was a shock and a half.
•Regardless of how stunning it was, he won't deny that it made his rotten little heart skip a beat.
•He'd probably have to hear the boy say it a couple more times for it not to be so jarring, but hey, a family is just what Gage wants..even if he doesn't consciously realize it.


•For the first time in a very long while, Hancock is rendered completely speechless.
•Thankfully Shaun let that slip on his way out the door, otherwise the situation would've been hundreds times more awkward.
•Hancock would be so overcome with emotions, he may just end up crying tears of joy into sole's chest.


"Wha- Dad? Yeah, that's me.."

•He internally kicks himself for not handling this better. Duncan calls him that- so why did it feel so different from Shaun? Well, probably because he didn't expect it out of him...
•Nonetheless, he'll make as good of an effort as he can to be more smooth in the future. The last thing he wants to do is discourage the kid.


"Good morning, Shaun. Ready to- wait..what?"

•At first he has no idea what happened- already picking up Shaun's squire hat off his desk and placing it on the boy's head.
•When he finally registers what Shaun said, it's like he got splashed with cold water.
•He just kind of blinks..
•Despite not knowing how to respond, he puts the boy's hat on his head and gives him an almost scary grin (it's because he's freaking out.)


"Kiddo, make sure to grab your lunch from Ellie on your way out. Also...don't let Nat talk you into getting in trouble."

•He's pretty chill with it, just quirking a smile that he hides behind a newspaper.
•He didn't want to make a huge deal out of it, but it was definitely a step in the right direction and he couldn't have been happier.
•He's so totally telling sole  about this whenever they get back.


"H-heh, what's up shaun?"

•She is majorly taken aback.
•Yeah- she's sort of been like a mom to Nat for years but..that was different. Nat never once called her mom.
•She tries to hide her shock as best as she can but fails miserably, luckily Shaun kind of laughs about it and dismisses himself.
•She hopes that he doesn't stop nonetheless, it's just gonna take some getting used to.


"Hey bud, ready to go wash Dogmeat?"

•Preston doesn't skip a beat with it. He's been hoping that this would happen eventually, but he'd never be pushy.
•Even though he is chill, he's doing a little happy dance the second shaun goes to round up Dogmeat. He doesn't care who sees either, he's just happy that shaun sees him that way- even if it was just an accidental slip.


"....Shaun, I..I don't know what to say.."

•Considering they have history together, and mind you- X6 is close to him, there's a certain level of specialness to him saying this to X. However there is also some problems...

•On the outside, he'll just tense up and ignore it but in the inside he is having an internal breakdown. He loves shaun, but to be considered his dad- even if he's romantically involved with his parent- makes him feel strange.

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