Chapter 21

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The next day, all the students had finished packing their things and was lining up to get on the bus. When they arrived at the school everyone went back to their homes. Amy, Blaze and Maria were about to head towards their houses but thought of stopping by at a cafe. The three girls walked in the cafe and ordered some drinks and a cake for them to eat together. When they finished, they started to walked back to their houses together and talked to each other on the way.

"I'm home!" Amy announced as she took of her shoes.

"Mrs. Amy!" Cream run towards her and gave her a big hug "Welcome back and I missed you Mrs. Amy" Cream said as she nuzzled her. Amy giggled and hugs her back.

"I misses you too cream" Amy said and pats Cream's head. Amy took a box with a slice of cake inside that she packed from the cafe that she and her friends went. Amy gave it to her "This is for you Cream" Cream smiled brightly as she took if from her.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Amy!" Cream thanked her as she ran to the kitchen to eat it. Amy smiled and looks around the house to see that Vanilla wasn't around the house.

"Where's your mom Cream?" Amy asked.

"She's at the mall shopping" Cream answered from the kitchen. Amy then walks up to her room to unpack. When she was finished, she flopped herself onto her bed to rest. She then heard her phone rang as she raised a brow and grabbed her phone from the night stand and answered it.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Hey Amy, its me Sonic" Amy almost jumped off her bed that Sonic called her.

"O-Oh hey Sonic, w-when did you get my phone number? I don't remember giving you my number"

"Ohhh, actually Blaze was the one who gave me your number" Amy sigh and groaned to hear that Blaze gave her number to Sonic.

"S-So uhhh what's up?"

"Well I wanted to ask if you wanna hang out with me tomorrow. Just the two of us if you have time" Amy blushed at Sonic's words but was also excited.

"S-Sure! I'd love to hang out with you tomorrow!"

"Great! Then I'll pick you up at 1:30 pm, sounds good?"

"Yup! Can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow!"

"Hehe, ya me too. Well I'll see ya tomorrow"

"Y-Yeah, bye" Amy ends the call and falls back onto her bed and sigh. She then grabbed her phone and called Balze.


"Blaze! Why did you give Sonic my phone number!? He just called me just now!

"Wait, he actually called?! Omg! And first off he was the one who asked me to give him your phone number"

"Wait really? But why tho?"

"Don't know but nevemind that! What did he say to you?"

"O-Oh wwwweeeellll, he asked me to....hang out with....just the two of us" Any mumbled the last words.

"OMG! That means its the right time for you to confess to him!"

"W-What?! No! Today is not the day for me to tell him how I feel! I'm not ready yet!"

"Oh come on Amy! You gotta confess to him one day and today is the day!"

"B-But what if he rejects me or dislike me o-or doesn't want to be friends with me anymore when I tell him!" Amy panicked with as she thought so many more bad things that'll happen when she confess to him.

"Amy relax, everything will be alright just relax. Don't over think it to much just be cool and go with the flow"

"O-Okay, I'll try"

"Great! Anyway I gotta go, bye Ames!"

"Bye Blaze" The call ended as Amy flopped herself onto her bed again and sigh. She then thought about confessing to Sonic tomorrow if she should do it or not. She shook if off for now as she went on with her day by just relaxing at home. The next day, Amy was really nervous no that today was the day that she and Sonic will be hanging out together. She was also thinking about confessing to him and how she should do it. She groaned and sigh as she buried her face on a pillow.

"Amy! lunches ready!" Vanilla yelled from down stairs.

"Okay! I'll be right there!" Amy yelled back as she walks out of her room and into the kitchen. When she was done eating, she looks back at the time and it was already 12:50 pm. She grabs all the plates on the table, puts them on the sink and starts washing them. When she was done. She then walks back to her room to get ready before Sonic arrives. When she was done, she looks at herself in the mirror and she sigh.

"Okay Amy! Today's the day for you to tell him how you really feel about him. You can do this!" Amy said to herself in her head with determination. Vanilla on the other hand was down stairs netting a scarf for Cream. She then heard a knock on the door as she stood up from the couch and opens the door to reveal Sonic.

"Hello Ma'am, I'm here to pick up Amy" Sonic said as Vanilla smiled kindly at him.

"Wait right here, I'll go get her" Vanilla said as she walks up to Amy's room "Amy! Someone's here to pick you up" Amy's ears perked up as she took a deep breath and let it all out.

"Okay!" Amy said as she walks out her room and walks down stairs and already saw Sonic waiting for her outside the house. Amy couldn't help but blush. Sonic saw Amy in front of him as he smiled.

"Ready to go?" Sonic asked taking his hand out for Amy to take it. Amy nods as she held Sonic's hand and the two starts walking away from the house. Vanilla watched the two walking together down the streets and awed at how cute they are. Sonic and Amy spend the whole afternoon taking a stroll at the park and buying some little snacks for each other. They also talked about some things about each other and what they like or dislike about things. The sun was now slowly starting to set as the two hedgehogs were now sitting on a bench together while looking at the sunset. Amy then thought that this is the perfect time for her to tell Sonic.


"Yes Amy?" Sonic looks at her back. Amy took a deep breath and let it out slowly and looks back at Sonic again.

"S-Sonic, ever since I met I have liked for a while now a-and everytime your near me I always feel nervous around you and my heart flutters whenever I see. I always feel so happy to be around you and I really adore you Sonic. What I really want to say is that.......

I love you......"

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