Chapter 11

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A transfer student

Amy and Blaze were just talking to each other while they wait for their teacher to arrive. Then their history teacher entered the room as everyone in the classroom sat down in their seats as the teacher placed down her books on her table.

"Good morning class" The teacher greeted as everyone in the classroom greeted back "Now please get your books and turn to page 200" The students grabbed their books from their bags as they turn their books to page 200 as the teacher starts to write some notes on the blackboard. Then there was a knock on the door as the teacher turned her head to face the door and opens it and revealed a female chipmunk.

"Hello ma'am, I'm the transfer student from Mobotropolis high and I'm sorry that I'm late" The female chipmunk said kindly.

"Oh well its okay and come on in and introduce yourself" The teacher said as the female chipmunk walked in the classroom and was now standing in front of the class.

"Hello everyone! My name is Sally acorn and its really nice to meet all of you" The female chipmunk known as  Sally said and smiled warmly.

"Okay Sally, you can seat at the back next to Amy" The teacher said as Sally nodded and walked her way to her seat and sat down next to Amy.

"Hi" Sally said as Amy looked at her.

"Hello, I'm Amy and its nice to meet you Sally" Amy said.

"Its nice to meet you too Amy" Sally said as she smiled as Amy smiled back.

"Ahem" Blaze faked a cough.

"Oh right and this is my friend Blaze" Amy said as she points at Blaze.

"Hi nice to meet you" Blaze said.

"Its nice to meet you too Blaze" Sally said smiling at her.

"Hey Sally, wanna join me and Blaze for lunch" Amy said.

"Sure, I would love to" Sally said as the teacher starts to talk as everyone pays attention and wrote down some notes. Few hours later, the bell rang as every student walked out from their classrooms and walked their way to the cafeteria to eat lunch. Blaze, Amy and Sally were holding their trade of food as they find a table for them to seat.

"Guys over here!" Maria yelled as she waved her hand up high for Blaze, Sally and Amy to see her. The three of them walked their way to the table where Maria was as they sat down.

"Hey Maria" Amy said.

"Hey Amy and who's this?" Maria said as she points at Sally.

"Oh this is Sally, Sally this is Maria" Amy said.

"Hello Maria, its nice to meet you" Sally said as Maria smiled.

"Its nice to meet you too and I am also guessing your new here?" Maria said as Sally nodded.

"Yup, I am the transfer student of Mobotropolis high" Sally said.

"Oh wow really?" Maria said a bit surprise as Sally giggled and nodded.

"So why did you transfer here?" Blaze asked as Sally turned her head to look at Blaze.

"Well I have been schooling in Mobotropolis since I was in kindergarten until now because of my dad and so I decided to go to another school instead of going to the same school every year" Sally said as Blaze nodded.

"Ohhh I see" Blaze said.

"Yup, I also do hope that I'll meet one of my childhood friends again in this school" Sally said.

"Wait, how would you know that their schooling here?" Maria said.

"Well they told me what school they were going" Sally said.

"So who's your childhood friends that are schooling in this school?" Amy asked curiously on who is Sally's childhood friends.

"Oh their names are-" Sally was about to say their names but was cut off.

"Hey Sally!" A red echidna yelled as he approach to the table where Sally, Amy, Blaze and Maria were sitting.

"Oh hey Knuckles!" Sally said as she smiled at the red echidna known as Knuckles.

"Its been awhile since we've see each other" Knuckles said smiling back seeing his childhood friend again.

"Yeah, its has" Sally said as the both of them starts to talk to each other.

"Hey Blaze, who's that red echidna that Sally is talking to?" Amy whispered in Blaze's ear.

"Oh that's Knuckles and I think him and Sally know each other" Blaze said. Then Knuckles looked at Amy.

"Hey aren't you Amy the new girl?" Knuckles said as Amy nodded.

"Uhh yeah and I've never seen you around the school" Amy said.

"Yeah cause I always eat lunch and be with my girlfriend everyday" Knuckles said.

"Wait who's your girlfriend?" Blaze asked raising a brow.

"Oh its Rouge" Knuckles said calmly as Maria, Amy and Blaze's eyes widened in shcok.

"Really?!" The three of them said at the same time which made Knuckles startled a bit.

"Uhhh yeah" Knuckles said.

"But how did you make the popular girl for the boys in school to be your girlfriend?!" Blaze said in disbelieve.

"Well me and Rouge were friends at first and she always teased me a lot which is sorta annoying to me but the more I got to know I start to fall for her. I wasn't falling in love for her because of her body I loved her because of who she really is from the inside. The girl who is sweet, kind and caring. So I confessed to her that I loved her and she loved me back which surprised me that she actually likes me" Knuckles said as he blushes lightly.

"Awwww that's so sweet" Amy said as Blaze and Maria nodded in agreement.

"Yeah and congrats that you've got yourself a girlfriend Knuckles" Sally said as Knuckles smiled at her.

"Thanks Sally" Knuckles said as Sally smiled back. Then Sally starts to look around the cafeteria to find one of her childhood friends. When she spotted him she began to smile.

"Hey Sonic!" Sally yelled as Sonic turned his head to look at the person who called him. Sonic's eyes widened in surprise seeing Sally.

"Sally?" Sonic said in surprise seeing his childhood friend again.


Sorry guys that I haven't updated this book for a long time and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I forgot that Maria is a hedgehog in this story anyways bye everyone!

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