Chapter 9

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A date or not?

Today was just another day at school for Amy as she puts her stuff in her locker and locked her locker. Blaze then walked up to Amy.

"Hey Amy, how did it go giving your gift to Sonic? Did he like it?" Blaze said as Amy smiled happily.

"Yup! Sonic really liked the gift I made him, he even said that I'm special to him!" Amy said as she jumped up and down and squeal happily as Blaze giggled.

"Looks like your really happy about it?" Blaze said.

"Of course, why wouldn't I" Amy said as Blaze giggled again.

"Okay, come on let's go to class" Blaze said as Amy nodded and walked to their class together. Few minutes later, their teacher arrived as class started. Hours later, the bell rang which means its lunch time as all the students ran out of their classrooms and ran all the way to the cafeteria. Amy, Blaze and Maria sat together and ate together as always while they talk to each other. Sonic, Shadow and Silver sat together as always and ate together while they talk to each other. Minutes later, Amy and her friends finished eating lunch as they walked to their next class. Amy was just sitting on her desk as she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder as she turned her head around seeing Sonic as she starts to blush a little.

"Hey Amy, I just wanted to ask you something" Sonic said.

"O-Oh, Sure what is it?" Amy said.

"I just wanted to ask if you want to go with me to the zoo together when school is over" Sonic said as Amy blinked twice.

"Wait, you want me to go with you to the zoo? Just the two of us?" Amy said as Sonic nodded.

"Yeah, cause I heard that theirs a new panther in the zoo and I wanted you to come with me as a thank you for the gift you gave me yesterday" Sonic said as Amy smiled.

"O-Of course! I love to come with you to the zoo!" Amy said happily.

"Great! Let's meet up at the school gate when school is over. Okay?" Sonic said as Amy nodded.

"O-Okay" Amy said as Sonic walked back to his desk and sat down. Amy was so happy as she was screaming in her head full of joy. Later, their teacher arrived and started class. Hours later, school was over as all the students ran out of the school and ran to their houses. Amy, Blaze and Maria were walking down the hallway while they talk to each other.

"So Amy, got any plans today?" Maria said.

"Yup, me and Sonic are going to the zoo together" Amy said happily.

"Really? Just you two alone?" Blaze said as Amy nodded.

"So its like a date?" Maria said as Amy blushed.

"What?! No! Of course it?" Amy said as Maria and Blaze giggled as the three of them walked out of the school. Amy then saw Sonic standing near the school gate as she walked towards him.

"H-Hey Sonic" Amy said as Sonic looked at her and smiled.

"Hey Amy, ready to go?" Sonic said as Any nodded.

"Yup!" Amy said happily.

"Bye you two and have fun together" Blaze said as she waved goodbye and walked away with Maria.

"Well let's go" Sonic said as Amy nodded as they walked their way to the zoo together. When they arrived at the zoo they start to explore around the zoo together looking at all the different animals and they also looked at the new panther. Few minutes later, they stopped looking around as they sat down on a bench to take a little break.

"Hey, are you hungry Amy?" Sonic said.

"Only a little" Amy said as Sonic grabbed his bag and grabbed two sandwiches in his bag and hand out the other one to Amy.

"Here" Sonic said as Amy took the sandwich and took off the paper wrapper and took a bite.

"Mmmm, this is really yummy" Amy said as Sonic giggled.

"Yeah, my best friend made it" Sonic said.

"So that two tailed fox was your best friend? I thought he was your brother" Amy said.

"Yup, his name is Tails and his not really my brother but he is like a brother to me since we've been living together since we were in middle school" Sonic said as Amy nodded as they both continued eating their sandwich. When they was done eating their sandwich they start to look around the zoo some more. Sonic then saw a ice cream truck as he thought of buying an ice for him and Amy "Hey Amy, wanna get some ice cream, my treat"

"A-Are you sure?" Amy said blushing a little as Sonic nodded "O-Okay"

"Great!" Sonic said as they both walked to the ice cream truck. When the ice cream man saw Sonic and Amy he then smiled at them.

"Well aren't you two a cute couple" The ice cream man said which made Amy blushed madly.

"O-Oh no sir! You got it all wrong! We're not a couple!" Amy said in panic as Sonic nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, we're just friends sir" Sonic said.

"Oh sorry, I just thought you guys are a couple cause you two just look so cute together" The ice cream man said as Amy looked down in embarrass- ment. The ice cream man then grabbed a cup and took a scoop of some ice cream and put it in the cup and put two little spoons on it "Here you go"

"Thank you" Sonic said as he grabbed the ice cream and payed for it. Sonic and Amy then notice that the ice cream was in a cup and there were two spoons "Guess we're sharing it"

"Y-Yeah" Amy said blushing as they grabbed their spoons and began to eat it. When they were finished eating the ice cream Sonic walked Amy to her house and then walked his way to his house as their day together was over.

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