Chapter 16

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Comforting you

Sonic looked straight at Amy's green emerald eyes like his with sadness in his eyes. Amy frowned seeing Sonic sad and soaked from the rain. She sat down next to Sonic still holding her umbrella above her and Sonic. Sonic turned his head to the left to look at Amy as Amy looked back.

"What are you doing here Amy?" Sonic asked.

"I was about to go to the market to buy some grocery until I saw you here. The real question is, what are you doing here alone under the rain?" Amy said. Sonic looked down as he sighed.

"I confessed to Sally on how I feel about her but....." Sonic stopped talking as he clenched his fist lightly.

"But what? Did she accept you to be with you?" Amy asked hesitantly from the thought of Sonic and Sally together.

"She didn't accept....." Sonic said sadly still looking down with his eyes closed. Amy felt happy from the outside that Sonic and Sally aren't together but inside she felt hurt seeing Sonic so sad. Amy placed a hand on Sonic's back.

"I'm sorry that Sally rejected you" Amy said softly as she rubbed Sonic back gently making him purr.

"Its alright, it still hurts a bit that she rejected" Sonic said. Amy looked down for a bit then back at Sonic with a smile on her face.

"You know, there's another girl out there who really likes you for who you are" Amy said as she blushed lightly. Sonic looked at Amy.

"Who?" Sonic asked as Amy's eyes shrank and blushed madly

"O-Oh. Y-You'll know soon who it is he he" Amy said as she laughed nervously. Sonic smiled and chuckled a little.

"Alright, thanks Amy" Sonic said as Amy blinked her eyes twice.

"For what?" Amy asked curiously on what Sonic thanked her for.

"For being here with me" Sonic said softly as Amy blushed more and smiled a little.

"You're welcome Sonic" Amy stood up as she looked at Sonic with a bright smile on her face "Come on, I'll walk you home since I don't want you to get sick from the rain" Amy said as Sonic smiled as he stood up and nodded.

"Thanks but were you suppose to go to the market to buy some grocery?" Sonic said.

"Oh. Don't worry I'll come back to the market when I walk you back home" Amy said smiling. Sonic held Amy's hand as Amy looked down at their hands as she blushed.

"How about we go to the market first so you don't have to get tired of coming back to the market" Sonic said as Amy nodded slowly.

"O-Okay" Amy stuttered as the both of them walked their way to the market together while holding hands. When they arrived, Amy puts her umbrella outside of the market and walked in with Sonic. Sonic grabbed a shopping cart as Amy looked around for the things she needed to buy. An hour later, Amy finished paying for the things she bought as she walked Sonic to his house.

"See ya at school tomorrow Amy" Sonic said waving his hand goodbye to Amy as Amy waved back as he walked into his house. Amy smiled brightly as she jumped up and down happily with a huge smile on her face. She skipped her way back to her house full of joy. The next day, Amy went to school as always as she was putting her things in her locker while she was humming happily.

"You seem really happy Amy, did something happened?" Blaze asked noticing that Amy was really happy since she was really sad yesterday.

"Yup! I had the best night with Sonic last night" Amy said happily.

"Wait, I thought Sonic will be with Sally by now since he likes her and wasn't raining last night?" Blaze raised a brow a bit confused.

"Yeah ummm about that, when I was about to go to the market to buy some grocery I saw Sonic at the park sitting on a bench under the rain without an umbrella or a rain coat on and the reason to it was that Sally rejected him when he confessed to her" Amy said rubbing her arm.

"Ohh wow. I didn't expect that from Sally" Blaze said.

"Yeah, so I comforted him and walked him home since I didn't want him to get sick from the rain" Amy said rubbing the back of her head as Blaze grinned.

"Did you guys hold hands along the way?" Blaze asked as Amy blushed madly.

"What?! No! B-But he did hold my hand when we walked our way to the market before I walked him home" Amy said looking down blushing. Blaze giggled.

"So I guess you have a chance with Sonic now huh?" Blaze asked as Amy nodded happily. Then the bell rang as everyone went to their class. Amy was now more focused on the teacher but she would sometimes think about Sonic with a bright smile on her face. Few hours later, the bell rang which meant that it was lunch time. Amy, Blaze and Maria sat together in the same table as always. Amy also told Maria about what happened to her last night that really made her happy. Blaze and Maria smiled at each other seeing Amy happy again. Amy then saw Sonic and his friends sitting at a table that was across theirs. She stared at Sonic smiling at him. Sonic then turned his head to the right and looked back at Amy and smiled back at her. Amy panicked that Sonic looked back at her as she giggled nervously and blushes lightly. Later, Amy, Blaze and Maria finished eating lunch as they head to their next class. Amy sat down next to Sonic as she smiled at him as Sonic smiled back.

"Hey Amy"


"I wanna say thank you again for last night and if its alright with you, wanna come over to my place tomorrow so we could hang out together?" When Sonic said that it made Amy's eyes widened in shock that Sonic wants her to hang out with her at Sonic's house.

"Y-You sure?" Amy asked nervously as she blushed a little.

"Yeah if your alright with it" Sonic said kindly as Amy smiled widely and nodded.

"Sure! I'd love to!" Amy said happily as Sonic chuckled.

"Great, I'll see ya tomorrow then when schools over" Sonic said as Amy nodded. Then class started as the two of them starts to focus.

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