Chapter 13

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The girl Sonic likes

For the entire school week, Sonic and Sally always talk to each other every lunch time and would walk home together. Sonic also introduce Sally to his friends. It was now Sunday as Sonic was in the living sitting on the couch while watching TV. Then Sonic's phone vibrated which means he received a message. Sonic grabbed his phone and looked to see who texted him. It was Sally.


-Hey Sonic, let's go to the mall to hang out. Bring Tails along as well

Sonic smiled as he start typing his reply.


-Hey Sonic, let's go to the mall to hang out. Bring Tails along as well

Sure, what time should we go?-

-11:00 am outside of the mall

Alright, see ya then-

Sonic then checked the time and it was still 8:00 in the morning. Sonic got off the couch and walked up the stairs to Tails room.

"Hey Tails" Sonic said while knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" Tails responded as he opened his door.

"Sally texted me that we should hang out at the mall today and she wants you to come along" Sonic said as Tails smiled widely.

"Awesome! What time should we go?" Tails said excitingly.

"11:00 am outside of the mall" Sonic said as Tails nodded.

"Ohh okay" Tails said.

"And one more thing Tails" Sonic said.

"Yeah? What is it?" Tails asked.

"Could you make breakfast now. I'm starving" Sonic said holding his stomach. Tails giggled.

"Sure Sonic" Tails said as he walked his way to the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of them. Sonic walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch and watched some TV while waiting for Tails to finish cooking. Few minutes later, Tails finished cooking as he puts two plates of bacon and eggs on the table and putted two glass of orange juice on the table. Sonic then smelled the food as he walked his way to the kitchen. He sat down on the table as Tails did the same as they start to eat.

"Mmm~ this is really good Tails" Sonic said as he took another bite.

"Thanks and Sonic" Tails said getting Sonic's attention.

"Yeah Tails?" Sonic said as he took another bite of his food again.

"Your cooking dinner tonight" Tails said as Sonic chuckled.

"Alright little buddy" Sonic said as he took a sip of his orange juice. Tails smiled and continued eating his food. When they were done eating Sonic then took a little run while Tails was in his room making his inventions to pass the time. Few hours later, it was now 10:30 am as Sonic ran back to his house to get ready. When Sonic was done changing, he waited at the living room for Tails to come down. Tails then flew down to the living room as he was ready to go the mall.

"Alright let's go!" Tails said excitingly as Sonic chuckled and nodded. Sonic then ran his way to the mall as Tails flied following Sonic behind him. When they arrived they already saw Sally standing outside the mall. Sally saw Sonic and Tails coming as she smiled.

"Hey guys" Sally said as Sonic and Tails walked towards her.

"Hey Sal" Sonic said smiling as Tails gave Sally a hug. Sally hugged back and patted Tails head as Tails giggled.

"Shall we go in?" Tails said as Sonic and Sally giggled.

"Sure, let's go" Sally said as the three of them went inside as thy start to look around.

"Hey, how about we go eat lunch first?" Sonic said as Sally nodded.

"Let's go have lunch over there" Tails said pointing at the restaurant.

"Alright" Sally said as the three walked towards the restaurant and walked inside. Sonic already found a table for three people as they walked towards it and sat down. Then a waiter walked towards their table. Sonic, Sally and Tails told what food and drinks they wanted as the waiter wrote it down and walked away. Minutes later, their food arrived as they start to eat while talking to each other. When they were done eating, they walked out of the restaurant as they start to look around again. Thinking on what they should do together.

"Hey, let's go to the arcade and play some games there" Sonic said.

"That's sounds fun. Let's go!" Sally said as they ran to the arcade. When they arrived they start to roam around to find what games they should play. Hours pass as Sonic, Tails and Sally were having lots of fun. Tails then checked the time and saw that it was getting late.

"Sonic, Sally, let's go home its getting late" Tails yelled at the two as Sonic and Sally nodded as the three of them walked out of the mall.

"Man, today was great" Sonic said as Sally nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, today was fun" Tails said.

"Well I'm heading back home. See ya tomorrow at school Sonic" Sally said as Sonic smiled.

"Yeah, see ya tomorrow Sal" Sonic said waving goodbye to Sally as Sally waved back and walked back to her house. Sonic and Tails walked back to their house as well.

~The next day~

It was now Monday as every student went back to school as always. Sonic was just putting his things in his locker until he saw Sally as he smiled happily seeing Sally walked by as he felt a warm feeling in his heart. Sonic thought about how he was feeling whenever he was around Sally but wanted to talk to someone and gets some advice from them.

"Hey Amy" Sonic said as he saw Amy putting her things in her locker and walked towards her. Amy looked at Sonic as she smiled widely at him.

"O-Oh. H-Hey Sonic" Amy said stuttering a little.

"Can we talk for a moment" Sonic said as Amy nodded.

"S-Sure about what?" Amy said.

"Its about this girl I like" Sonic said as Amy's eyes widened in shock.

"C-Could you tell me about this girl you like?" Amy said curiously on who could it be.

"Oh. She's really awesome and amazing. She's kind, sweet and very beautiful" Sonic said smiling to himself as Amy smiled thinking that it was her.

"What's her name?" Amy asked as she kept smiling.

"Its Sally"

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