Chapter 18

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A school field trip

Every students in Mobius high were now in their classes and were now waiting for their teacher to arrive. Amy was in her thoughts, thinking about every moment she had with Sonic yesterday. Amy smiled happily as she looked up at the ceiling, daydreaming. Blaze giggled but was glad to see Amy all happy and cheerful again and has hope that Amy will get together with Sonic. Soon, the teacher arrived as everyone sat down on their seats but was still talking to one another. Amy was still daydreaming about Sonic and didn't notice the teacher coming in. Blaze then shook Amy gently to get her out of her daydream.

"Psst! Amy, the teacher's here" Blaze whispered while shaking Amy gently. Amy blinked several times as she finally notice that the teacher was now in the classroom.

"O-Oh! Sorry" Amy whispered back as a blush appeared on her muzzle in embarrassment. Blaze chuckled.

"Its alright, but don't over daydream about him okay?" Blaze said smirking knowing what Amy was daydreaming about. Amy blushed more in embarrassment as she laughed nervously and scratch the back of her head and nodded. The teacher then clapped her hands to get the students attention. Everyone stopped talking and faced towards their teacher.

"Alright, now that I have your attention I have a special announcement. We'll be having a school field trip tomorrow but the principal hasn't decided yet on where we should go. So all the teachers will inform you all when lunch break is over" The teacher said joyful as the student jumped off their seats and started jumping around happily and shouting excitingly "Okay class, quit down now and settle down" Everyone in the classroom sat back down and kept quit. The class then started as the teacher started to write down some notes on the blackboard for the students to copy. Amy was so excited and was also thinking in her thoughts on where they would go for the school field trip tomorrow. Amy shook those thoughts aside for now as she focus on the teacher. Hours pass as it was lunch time now as every student rush out of their classrooms and into the cafeteria. Amy, Blaze and Maria held their trade of food in their hands as they look around trying to find a table for them to sit.

"Hey Blaze! Over here!" Blaze heard her name being called out as she looked at the person who called her. It was Silver, he waved his hand in the air and signal her to come over to his table where Shadow and Sonic sat with him.

"Hey guys, let's go sit with them" Blaze said pointing at Silver, Shadow and Sonic's table. Amy and Maria nodded as the three girls walked towards the three hedgehogs table and sat down with them. As usual Blaze sat next to Silver, Maria sat next to Shadow and Amy sat next to Sonic. The six started to eat their food.

"Hey, where do you guys think that we'll be having our school field trip tomorrow?" Silver said. The others thought for a moment.

"Maybe the amusement park?" Sonic suggested.

"Nah, there's no way they would take us all there and pay everything" Shadow said as Sonic huffed really hoping the teachers would take them there.

"Maybe the zoo?" Maria suggested.

"No, we already went there last year. Maybe the safari?" Blaze said.

"I don't think so" Silver said. They all began to talk some more about the school field trip tomorrow.

"What about you Amy? Where do you think we'll be having our school field trip tomorrow?" Sonic asked looking at Amy as the others did the same. Amy tensed up a bit from all of them looking at her.

"O-Oh. Well ummm I am not quit sure to be honest" Amy said nervously.

"Its alright, the teachers will announce it when lunch is over" Sonic said as everyone nodded in agreement. They started to talk with each other again while eating their lunch. When they were done, the six separated from each other to get to their class. Amy and Sonic were talking to each other while walking their way to their class since they are in the same class which is Math. The two walked in the classroom and sat down on their seats and began to talk with each other again while they wait for their teacher to arrive. Soon, the teacher walked in the classroom making all the students sat back down on their seats and kept quit.

"Okay class, now I shall announce to where we'll be having out school field trip tomorrow so please pay close attention" The teacher said as all the students in the room started to listen with excitement in their eyes "We're going to the Mobious famous beach resort!" The students eyes widened in shock and soon jumped off their seats yelling a 'yay' loudly and the other classes yelled in excitement as well from the news "Okay class settled down now" Everyone sat back down as everything was silent again "Okay, now I want you all to write this down. This are the things that you'll need to bring tomorrow" The teacher then began to write down the list of things on the black borad. The students wrote everything down on their notebooks. Then the class started as all the students in the class payed attention to the teacher. Hours pass as the bell rang which means its time for all the students to go home. Amy, Blaze and Maria were talking to each other while walking down the halls.

"This is so exciting that we're going to the beach tomorrow!" Maria said excitingly.

"I know right, I can't wait for tomorrow" Amy said happily.

"So you guys planning to buy your swimsuits later? Since that was listed on the things we need to bring tomorrow" Blaze said as the two hedgehogs thought for a moment and nodded.

"How about we go to the mall together to buy it now" Maria said. Amy and Blaze nodded in agreement as they walked out of the school and walked their way to the mall to buy their swimsuits.

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