Chapter 10

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Going to the movies together

Today there won't be school today because of a meeting for all the teachers from different schools. Amy was just in her room laying down on her bed while looking at her phone. Then she received a message by Blaze.


-Hey, let's go hangout together

Amy smiled as she starts to type her reply.


-Hey, let's go hangout together

Sure, where should we go?

-To the movies, I've already texted Maria and she's also coming along

Great! What time should meet up?

-11:00 am and let's meet up at the park. K?

K see ya later

Amy looks at the time and it was still 8:00 am so it was still a bit early. Amy got off of her bed and walked out of her room and walked her way to the living room and just watched TV with Cream to pass the time. Few hours later, it was now 10:40 am as Amy stood up and walked to her room again to change. Amy was wearing a pink shirt that's written on the shirt 'LOVE' and wore a red skirt and her red boots. Amy grabbed her purse and puts her wallet and her phone inside as she waked out of her room.

"Amy, where are you going?" Vanilla asked.

"I'm going to the movies with my friends today" Amy said as Vanilla smiled.

"Okay" Vanilla said as Amy walked out of the house and walked her way to the park to meet up with her friends. Amy arrived at the park and saw her friends sitting on a bench but Amy was also surprise that Sonic and his friends were here.

"H-Hey guys" Amy said walking towards them nervously.

"Hey Amy" Blaze said as Amy walked closer to Blaze.

"Blaze, why is Sonic and his friends here?" Amy whispered into Blaze's ear.

"Oh, they were the once who invited us to go to the movies" Blaze whispered back.

"What?! You didn't tell me that they were the once who invited us!" Amy whispered back angrily.

"Sorry" Blaze whispered back as she giggled. Amy just rolled her eyes and pouts.

"So what kind of movie will we be watching?" Maria asked the three boys.

"Sonic said that we're gonna watch 'Annabelle'" Shadow said.

"Oh" Maria simply said.

"Hey guys, how about we go eat lunch first I'm hungry" Sonic said holding his stomach as Shadow rolled his eyes as the others giggled.

"Alright, let's go get lunch" Silver said as everyone nodded as they walk their way to a near by restaurant. The 6 of them walked in the restaurant and searches for a table for 6 people and started to order what food and drinks they want. Few minutes later, their food and drinks arrived as they began to eat their food together while they talk to each other. Minutes later, they finished eating as they walked out of the restaurant and walked their way to the theater. Sonic bought 6 tickets for the 6 of them and walks inside the theater and 3 popcorn so 2 can share the popcorn. When they were now inside the room for the 'Annabelle' movie, they all sat down. Sonic sat down next to Amy, Shadow sat next to Maria and Silver sat next to Blaze.

"So how long is this movie anyway?" Blaze whispered to Silver.

"1 hour I think" Silver said as Blaze nodded.

"Is this a horror movie Shadow?" Maria asked as Shadow nodded.

"Yup, why?" Shadow said looking at her.

"Well......I'm a bit scared watching horror movies" Maria said laughing nervously.

"Its okay, I'm here" Shadow said as he held Maria's hand which made her blush but smiled.

"Shhhh! Its starting!" Sonic said excitingly as everyone in the room kept quite and looked at the screen as the movie was now starting. Some of the people in the room screamed from all the jump scares. Then there was a scene that made Amy jump in fear and accidently hugs Sonic's arm. Sonic notice Amy hugging his arm as he smiles and let her hug his arm since she was getting really scared. 1 hour later the movie ended as everyone in the room left and walked out of the theater.

"That was so scary, I am not watching that movie ever again" Amy said as Maria and Blaze nodded in agreement.

"Aw come one girls. It wasn't that scary" Silver said as Sonic and Shadow nodded agreeing with him.

"Well for you guys only but for us not so much" Blaze said as the 3 boys just chuckled.

"Alright, if you say so" Silver said. Sonic then looked at the sky and notice that its almost getting dark.

"Hey guys. How about we go eat dinner at the restaurant we ate lunch at" Sonic said as everyone nodded in agreement. The 6 of them walked their way to the restaurant together. They walked in the restaurant and sat down on a table with 6 seats and starts to order their food and drinks. Minutes later, their food arrived and their drinks as well as they began to eat. While they eat their food, they talked about the movie they've watched. They finished eating and finished drinking their drinks as they just sat there on their seats.

"Hey guys, let's oder desert" Sonic said as everyone nodded in agreement as Sonic ordered 6 ice creams for the 6 of them. The waiter arrived to their table and gave the 6 ice creams to each of them. Later, when they were done eating their ice creams, they payed for their food, drinks and the ice creams and walked out of the restaurant together. While they walk back to their houses they talk to each other of how fun they had today. The 6 of them arrived at their houses as they rest up for school tomorrow.


BTW guys, this is sorta like 'Miraculous' cause I got the idea for this book from it but its not the same as 'Miraculous'. Anyway hope you guys like this chapter. See ya guys in the next chapter. Bye!

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