Chapter 4

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Doing homework together

It was a normal day as usual as Amy walked her way to her school. When she arrived she walked her way to history class. She walked in the classroom and saw Blaze sitting on her chair as she was looking out the window. Amy smiled as she walked towards Blaze and sitted down since she was sitting right next to Blaze.

"Morning Blaze!" Amy greeted as Blaze turned her head away from the window and looked at Amy and smiled.

"Morning Amy" Blaze greeted back as Amy smiled happily at Blaze. Blaze and Amy started talking some random topics and sometimes laughed at their conversation. Then their teacher arrived as she told everyone to settle down.

"Okay class, please get your history book and turn to page 30 cause today we will be discussing about our ancestors and what they have achieve" The teacher said as all the students grabbed their history book as the teacher started talking.

~An hour later~

The bell rang which means history class was over. The teacher stopped talking as she clapped her hands to get all the students attention.

"Alright class, for your assignment you must research on what our ancestors have created 100 years ago and if it was still used until today and you must submit it next week, that is all" The teacher said as all the students puts away their book, grabbed their bags and walks out the classroom and headed to their next class.

~Hours later~

It was now lunch time as all the students were now in the cafeteria having lunch. Amy ate lunch with Blaze and Maria as usual while Sonic, Shadow and Silver were sitting across them. Amy kept on looking at Sonic while eating without Sonic noticing. Sonic then turned his head and looked at Amy and waved hello at her. Amy blushed and panicked a little as she smiled widely and waved back as well. Blaze and Maria saw it and giggled as Amy looked at them and pouted still blushing. The three girls finished eating their lunch and were now grabbing their books from their lockers for class.

"Hey guys, do you have any plans on Saturday?" Maria said as Blaze and Amy thinks for a second then shook their heads.

"Nope, why Maria?" Amy said.

"Maybe we can hang out together, just the three of us" Maria said as Amy smiled.

"That's a great idea! Let's do it!" Amy said as Blaze nodded in agreement as Maria smiled happily.

"Okay! Let's meet up in the park at 9:00 am on Saturday" Maria said as Amy and Blaze nodded. Then the bell rang as all the students walked to their class.

"Well see ya guys later" Blaze said as she waved good bye and walked away.

"See ya!" Maria said as she walks away as well. Amy waved good bye to them as she walked towards the classroom for Math class as she sat down and blushed when she was sitting next to Sonic as always. Then their teacher arrived as all the students kept quit and sitted down as the teacher started discussing. An hour pass as the teacher stopped discussing.

"Okay class, for your assignment will be on page 30-35 but for this assignment you must be paired up and you must submit it tomorrow" The teacher said as the students nodded "Good, that is all, you may now go to your next class" the students puts away their books and walked out the classroom. Sonic then tapped on Amy's shoulder which made Amy startled.

"Hey Amy, if its okay if you could be my partner for the assignment" Sonic said as Amy's eyes widened in shock.

"R-Really? You want me to be your partner?" Amy said as her heart started to beat faster. Sonic nodded.

"Yeah, if your okay with it" Sonic said as Amy smiled happily.

"OMG, Yes! I-I mean sure I'm fine being your partner for the assignment" Amy said as she blushed. Sonic smiled.

"Alright then, see ya after school" Sonic said as he walked out of the classroom. Amy dropped her bag as she smiled happily and jumped up and down in joy. Amy then stopped jumping as she grabbed her bag and walked out the classroom. Hours pass as school was over and all the students in the school were now going home. Amy walked out of the school and saw Blaze and Maria near the school gate.

"Hey guys!" Amy shouted as she waved her hand. Maria and blaze turned their heads and saw Amy and waved back. Amy then walked towards them "Were you guys waiting from me?"

"Yeah, so we can go home together again" Blaze said.

"And maybe we can get some ice cream along the way" Maria said.

"Ohhh, well I loved to join you guys but....." Amy said as Blaze and Maria looked at Amy curiously.

"But what?" Maria and Blaze said at the same time. Amy blushed and looked down.

"I have a Math homework and its a paired up kind of assignment and I'm paired up with.....Sonic" Amy said as Blaze grinned.

"So you and Sonic are doing a Math homework together? Alone?" Blaze said as she grinned which made Amy blushed more.

"W-What? W-We're just doing an assignment together as friends its no big deal" Amy said as Blaze came closer to Amy and smirked.

"Mhmhm, riiiiiight" Blaze said as Amy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, whatever" Amy said as she crosses her arms as Maria giggled.

"Hey Amy" Amy got startled from the familiar voice as she turned around and saw Sonic.

"H-Hey Sonic, didn't notice you" Amy said as she scratch the back of her neck.

"Its okay, so ready to go?" Sonic said as Blaze and Maria giggled from behind.

"U-Uhhh, yeah" Amy said nervously.

"Well we'll be going now bye you two~" Blaze said as Blaze and Maria walked away leaving the two alone.

"Come on let's go to my place" Sonic said as Amy blushed.

"I-Is your house far?" Amy asked as Sonic shook his head.

"No don't worry, come on" Sonic said as he starts to walk to his house as Amy followed from behind. Minutes later they arrived at Sonic's house. The two walked inside the house as Amy was surprise on how big Sonic's house was.

"Wow, your house looks so....amazing" Amy said as Sonic laughed nervously.

"Hehe yeah" Sonic said as he puts down his bag on the table "Come on let's get started" Amy nodded as she puts down her bag on her table as they both were now doing the assignment together. As for Amy, her feelings for Sonic grow more as she smiled at Sonic once in a while.

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