Chapter 6

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Boys time

It was now Sunday as Sonic was laying down on his bed and was staring at the ceiling. Sonic sigh on how bored he was as he got off his bed and walked down stairs. Sonic then saw a 2 tailed fox watching TV in the living and who is also Sonic's best friend and who is also like Sonic's brother. Sonic smirked as he sneaks behind the couch.

"Tails!" Sonic yelled and jumped out from behind the couch which made the 2 tailed fox startle.

"Gah! Sonic, what the heck?!" The 2 tailed fox known as Tails said which made Sonic laugh.

"Hahaha, sorry bud I just couldn't help my self" Sonic said as he kept on laughing as Tails pout.

"Its not funny Sonic" Tails said as he crossed his arms.

"It kinda does" Sonic said as he continues to laugh.

"Yeah, whatever I'm gonna make some chili dogs" Tails said as he stood up and made Sonic stop laughing as his eyes sparkle.

"Can I have some too?!" Sonic said as Tails giggled.

"Yeah, sure Sonic" Tails said as Sonic smiled happily and sat down on the couch. Tails walks his way to the kitchen to make some chili dogs. Sonic grabbed the remote and changed the channel to watch something he likes. Tails then finished making 4 chili dogs.

"Hey Sonic, your chili dogs are ready!" Tails yelled as Sonic jumped off the couch and ran fast to the kitchen in just seconds. Sonic then grabbed a chili dog and took a bite as his eyes sparkle.

"Wow! This are good chili dogs bud!" Sonic said as he continues eating the chili dog. Tails giggled.

"Hehehe, thanks" Tails said. Then Sonic phone vibrated which means someone messaged him. Sonic grabbed his phone and looked at who messaged him. It was Silver.


-Hey Sonic, wanna hang out?

Sonic finished up all his chili dogs as he start to type his reply.


-Hey Sonic, wanna hang out?

Sure, will Shadow come along?

-Surprisingly, yeah

Cool! Where should we meet up?

-At the park at 10:00 am

Okay! Can Tails come along?

-Sure! See ya at the park!

K, see ya later!

Sonic puts down his phone as he looks at the time. It was still 8:30 a.m. so he still has time.

"Hey Tails, wanna come with me at the park to hang out with my friends?" Sonic said as Tails thought about it.

"Sure, I got nothing to do anyway" Tails said as Sonic smiles.

"Great! We're gonna meet up with them at the park, 10:00 a.m." Sonic said as Tails nodded. Sonic and Tails went to the living room and watched a movie to pass the time. Time skip as Sonic looked at the clock. It was now 9:50 as Sonic stood up.

"Tails, go get ready we're gonna go now" Sonic said as Tails nodded.

"Alright" Tails said as he walked his way to his room as well for Sonic. Sonic was looking at his closet to find some good clothes that his gonna wear. Sonic picked a red t-shirt, black pants and he wore his red sneakers. Tails was wearing a yellow t-shirt, black pants and usual shoes. Tails and Sonic walked out of the house and locked the door as Sonic ran to the park as Tails flew and tried to catch up with Sonic. Sonic arrived in front of the park as well for Tails. Sonic then saw his friends who were just waiting outside of the park.

"Hey guys!" Sonic yelled at them getting their attention. Silver and Shadow heard Sonic as they look at him as Silver smile.

"Hey Sonic, hey Tails" Silver said as Tails and Sonic walked up to them.

"So what should we do first?" Shadow said as he crossed his arms.

"How about we go to the arcade, race ya there" Sonic said as he dashed off to the arcade. Shadow growled.

"Why you little!" Shadow said irritated as he runs after Sonic. Silver and Tails sigh as they followed them from behind. Sonic was the first one who arrived at the arcade as he celebrates his victory by dancing. Shadow just growled and glared at Sonic. Silver and Tails came to the arcade last as the four of them walked inside the arcade and start to play some games. Sonic and Shadow kept on playing games that are challenging for them. Silver and Tails picked some games that they like. Hours pass as the four of them were having fun at the arcade well Sonic and Shadow sometimes argue on who is the winner when they end up a tigh.

"Hey guys let's go get something to eat I'm starving" Sonic said as Tails .giggles.

"Alright, let's go get something to eat" Silver said as Sonic, Shadow and Tails nodded as the four of them walked out of the arcade and walked their way to a near by restaurant. They walked in the restaurant and spotted a table that has four chairs as the four of them sat down and began to order their food. Minutes later their food arrived as they ate while talking random stuff.

"Hey Sonic, Blaze told me that you and Amy were partners for your Math homework right?" Silver said as Sonic nodded taking another bite of his chili dog.

"Yup, we also got a good grade too" Sonic said.

"I see, tell me was she the one who wants to be your partner or you?" Shadow said.

"Well actually I was the one who wanted her to be my partner since I'm sick of the other girls wanting and forcing me to be their partner" Sonic said. Shadow and Silver looked at each other for a moment then looked back at Sonic with a smirk. Sonic looked at the confused as he raised a brow.

"What?" Sonic said confused.

"Do you have a thing for Amy?" Silver said as Sonic thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No, of course not she's just a friend" Sonic said.

"Riiiggght" Shadow said as Sonic rolled his eyes. Tails looked at them confused on what their talking about.

"Who's Amy, Sonic?" Tails asked.

"Oh, she's a friend of mine in school" Sonic said as Tails nodded as he continues eating. Later, the four of them finished eating as they walked out of the restaurant and just roam around the city. Hours later, they began to walked back home and was preparing the things they need for school tomorrow.

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