Chapter 1

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New school, new student

It was a beautiful morning in the city of mobius. A girl with pink and short hair known as Amy Rose the hedge- hog was sleeping peacefully in her room. Then her alarm went off as she turned it off lazily. Amy sitted up and stretch her arms and yawned. Amy got off her bed and went to the bathroom to take a bath. Few minutes later, Amy finished taking a bath and wore her school uniform. She wore a white long sleeve blouse with a blue ribbon on it and a blue skirt. Amy then looked at her self in the mirror and took a deep breath then exhaled.

"This is it Amy, your going to a new school and going to meet new people there, you can do this Amy" Amy said to herself as she grabbed her bag and went down stairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Amy" Vanilla said from the dinning table as Amy smiled.

"Good morning Mrs. Vanilla, good morning Cream" Amy said as Cream smiled.

"Good morning Mrs. Amy" Cream said as she continued eating her breakfast. Amy sat down and ate breakfast with them. When they were done eating breakfast, Amy walked out of the house and walked all the way to her new school as Vanilla took Cream to her school. Amy arrived at the school and was now in front of the school gate. Amy took a deep breath then exhaled and smiled as she walked in. When Amy was now inside the school, she saw a lot of students that were talking to each other. The girl students were wearing the same uniform as Amy was wearing as for the boys, they were wearing a white blouse blue jacket and black pants. Then with out looking Amy bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking" Amy said as she looked at who she bumped into. She was a purple cat and has yellow golden eyes.

"Its okay, and I've never seen you here, are you the new student?" The purple cat said as Amy nodded.

"Yes, I'm Amy" Amy said as she puts out her hand.

"I'm Blaze, its nice to meet you" The purple cat known as Blaze said as she shakes Amy's hand.

"Its really nice to meet you too Blaze" Amy said as she smiled happily.

"Since your new here would you like me to come with you to the principles office so you can get your schedule?" Blaze said as Amy nodded.

"Yes, thank you so much" Amy said as Blaze giggled.

"No problem, now follow me" Blaze said as she starts to walk to the principles office as Amy followed her by her side. Amy and Blaze were now in front of the principles office door. Amy knocked on the door.

"Come in" Amy then opened the door and entered the room and closed the door from behind as Blaze waited outside the room. Inside is where the principle is seating. She was a white fox with brown eyes. The principle smiled seeing Amy.

"Good morning Ma'am" Amy greeted.

"Good morning and you must be the new student right?" The principle said as Amy nodded.

"Yes ma'am, and I'm also here to get my schedule" Amy said as the principle nodded and grabbed a piece of paper and gave it to Amy as Amy took it.

"Hope you'll enjoy it here and welcome Mobius high" The principle  said as Amy smiled.

"Thank you ma'am, I'll be going now" Amy said as the principle nodded. Amy then opened the door and walked out the room and saw Blaze waiting for her.

"So what's your first subject?" Blaze said as Amy looked at her schedule.

"Its history" Amy said.

"Well guess we're going to the same class then" Blaze said as Amy smiled happily.

"Great! And can we be friends?" Amy said as Blaze giggled.

"Aren't we already?" Blaze said as she starts to walk to the classroom as Amy smiled happily and followed Blaze.

~Hours later~


The bell rang as the student walked out of their classroom and headed to the cafeteria to eat lunch. Amy was holding a trade of food and was looking for a table for her to sit down.

"Hey Amy! Over here!" Amy was called by Blaze as Amy walked to the table where Blaze is sitting but she wasn't sitting alone. There was a yellow blonde hair hedgehog with blue eyes sitting next to Blaze.

"Hey Blaze, who's this next to you?" Amy said as she putted her trade down on the table and sitted down.

"Oh this is Maria, she's my friend since we were in middle school" Blaze said as Maria waved at Amy.

"Hi, its nice too meet you and your the new student that Blaze told me about right?" Maria said as Amy nodded and smiled.

"Yup, and its nice to meet you too Maria" Amy said as she smiled happily. The three girls began to eat their lunch and talked about each other. Then they were interrupted by a white bat.

"Hi there girls mind if I join in~?" The white bat said as she sitted in front of the three girls. Amy looked at the white bat confused. Blaze growled at the white bat.

"Yes I mind, you interrupting us Rouge" Blaze said as she growled at the white bat known as Rouge. Rouge pouted.

"Hmph, your no fun, say I've never seen you here are you new?" Rouge said looking at Amy.

"Uhhh Yeah, I'm Amy" Amy said a bit nervous.

"I'm Rouge, guess I'll be seeing you a lot then, I'll be going now since I know I'm not wanted her, bye hun" Rouge said as she walked away. Some of the boys in the school were staring at Rouge.

"Hey, what's up with her anyway and it sounded like you hated her Blaze" Amy said.

"Well Amy, Rouge is the popular girl here well only to the boys and Blaze doesn't like her cause of her ummm" Maria said as she thinking on why Blaze hates her.

"Because of that attitude of hers that's why" Blaze continued for Maria as she continued to eat her food. Amy giggled a bit as she continued eating her food as well. The three girls kept on eating and talking about each other more.


Hope you guys will like this story and this is my first Sonamy story so I do hope you all like it. And if there are wrong grammar and spelling then please forgive me for that. Bye and see ya guys next time.

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