Chapter 14

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Amy's smile turned into a frown hearing Sonic say that he likes Sally. She really thought that Sonic liked her but she was wrong. She felt like her heart has been broken into a million pieces.

"O-Oh" Amy didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to do or how I should tell her" Sonic said feeling a bit nervous. Amy looked into Sonic's eyes.

"You really like her?" Amy asked as Sonic nodded.

"Yeah and I wanted to get some advice from you on how I should tell her cause I actually don't know what to do" Sonic said as he laughed nervously. Amy felt more sad then before that she'll never get a chance with Sonic. Amy faked a smile as she nodded.

"Sure, I can help" Amy said as Sonic smiled widely.

"Great! Thank you so much Amy, your a great friend. Let's talk about it during Math class okay?" Sonic said as Amy nodded.

"Okay" Amy said.

"Awesome! See ya later" Sonic said as he walked his way to his first class as Amy did the same. When Amy walked into the classroom she sat down on her seat as she puts her head down on the table. Blaze saw this as she tapped on Amy's shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" Blaze asked as Amy shook her head.

"No, not really" Amy said sadly.

"You wanna talk about?" Blaze said concern for Amy on why she's feeling sad.

"Maybe during lunch then I'll tell you and Maria about it okay?" Amy said as Blaze nodded.

"Alright" Blaze said. Then the teacher walked into the classroom as every student sat down and kept quit. The teacher then started class as everyone was listening and writing down notes in their notebooks. Amy wasn't fully focused because she couldn't stop thinking about Sonic and that he likes Sally. Few hours later the bell rang as every student walked out of their classrooms and walked their way to the cafeteria. Amy, Blaze and Maria was seating together in the same table as always. Amy kept on poking her food.

"Amy, are you okay?" Maria asked as Amy looked at her.

"You've been feeling down since first period. Could you tell us what's wrong?" Blaze said.

"Did someone bully you?" Maria asked as Amy shook her head.

"No" Amy said sadly.

"Then what's been making you feel sad?" Blaze asked as Amy took a deep breath and sigh.

"Okay I'll tell you" Blaze and Maria then began to listen on what will Amy say "This morning....Sonic told me that he likes Sally and wanted me to give him some advice.....I really thought that he liked me and now......I'll never get a chance with him now that he likes Sally....." Amy said looking down sadly. Blaze and Maria felt bad for Amy.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Amy" Blaze said as she rubbed Amy's back.

"Don't worry Amy, we're still here with you no matter what" Maria said as she put a hand on Amy's shoulder. Amy smiled a bit.

"Thanks guys, you guys are the best" Amy said as she hugged Blaze and Maria as Maria and Blaze hugged back.

"No problem Amy" Blaze and Maria said at the same time as the three if them broke the hug and continued eating their lunch. Amy would look at Sonic from time to time as she frowned seeing him smiling with Sally by his side. Few minutes later, Amy, Blaze and Maria finished eating as the three of them separated from each other as they walked their way to their classes. Amy walked into the classroom as she already saw Sonic sitting at his seat. Amy took a deep breath as she walked towards her seat which was near to Sonic's seat as she sat down.

"Hey Amy" Sonic said smiling as Amy smiled back a bit.

"Hey" Amy said a bit quietly.

"So what's your advice on how I should tell Sally?" Sonic said as Amy took a deep breath and sigh.

"Okay, my advice is umm you should be yourself and maybe take her out and that's when you tell her" Amy said as Sonic smiled widely.

"That's a great idea Amy! Thank you so much!" Sonic said happily.

"No problem, I'm just glad I could help" Amy said putting in a fake smile.

"I'm going to ask her out when schools over" Sonic said with a big smile on his face. Amy frowned as she sigh and looked down at her table. Then the teacher arrived as he told everyone to settle down.

"Alright class now turn to page 99" The teacher said as everyone grabbed their books from their bags as they turned their books to page 99. The teacher then started discussing while writing down some notes on the black board. Everyone was listening and was also writing down some notes. Amy wasn't really paying attention as she was lost in her own thoughts.

"Amy? Amy!" Sonic kept on calling out Amy's name but said it in a low voice so the teacher wouldn't hear him. Amy snapped out of her own thoughts as she turned her head to look at Sonic.

"Y-Yeah?" Amy whispered.

"I was trying to ask you if I could borrow your eraser but you weren't listing. Are you okay?" Sonic said in a whisper.

"O-Oh. I'm sorry I guess I zoned out for a moment" Amy said as she scratch the back of her head.

"Its fine, so can I borrow your eraser?" Sonic said.

"Oh. Sure" Amy said as she grabbed her eraser from her pencil case and gave to Sonic.

"Thanks" Sonic said as he erased the mistake that he wrote on his notebook and gave it back to Amy. Sonic then payed attention again to the teacher as Amy was thinking again and tried her best to pay attention to the teacher. Hours later, the bell rang as everyone grabbed their bags and walked out of their classrooms. Amy walked out of her classroom looking down as Maria and Blaze saw Amy looking down sadly while walking down the halls. Maria and Blaze frowned feeling pity for Amy as they walked by her side and walked out of the school together.

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