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Cassidy's POV

Mitch starts to talk, "Cassidy, I need to tell you-" and then a brick smashes threw the kitchen window hitting Mitch in the head! "Dad!" I yell. Jerome comes running down the stairs. "Mitch buddy!" He says, "what happens Cassidy?!" I could here the scared tone in his voice. "I don't know! He was about to tell me something and then this comes smashing threw the window and hits him in the head!" I pick up the brick. 'Not yet' it says. "Not yet" I read out loud to Jerome. "Not yet..." He repeats. "We have to get him to the hospital!" I say. He respond with an "ok"

Jeromes POV

'Not yet' I repeat over and over in my head as I drive. Oh my god. I know. I can't risk telling her! Who knows who will get hurt! I guess she'll just have to wait. Argh! I hate this. Whose stupid plan was this anyway! Wait a second... Whose plan was this! Oh Ya, Ashley's. I hate knowing that Cassidy hates Ashley when she's actually a really nice girl!

When we get Mitch to the hospital they take him into a room. I keep wondering, who threw that brick? 'Not yet' I still repeat. I know what it means but I don't know why! I stomp my right foot on the ground.

"Everything ok Jerome? Why'd you do that?" Cassidy asks.

"Just frustrated, no real reason. Don't worry about it." Cassidy just shakes it off. Then my phone buzzes. I open it, and it's a text, "good, now keep it a secret until I say! Or you'll be next.. -??" It reads. Crap. I can't keep this secret for long! But I don't want to get hurt or let anybody else get hurt! What do I do... I know I'll talk to Ian. He always knows what to do!

When the doctor come out he calls Mitches name. "Over here!" I say. He walks over. "Mitchell has a minor concussion, with a few decent bruises on his head. But when he's heeled, he'll be perfectly fine!" My heart calmed. "That's great! About him being fine when he's recovered I mean." Cassidy says. Before the doctor walks away he says, "Mitch will be staying here the night, except he isn't aloud any visitors at the time. So you two are free to go home." Then he leaves.

Once why get home I go strait to Ian's room. I open the door and see him knocked out cold on the floor. But I also notice that there is a note beside him. 'Not yet' it reads. I so stupid! I kick the door with my foot.

hello my Stars! Jayda here and I'm sorry I couldn't get this out yesterday, I didn't have enough time! Sorry for the cliffhangers! (Says in tv announcer tone) Stay toned till next chapter to find out the biggg secret! Maybe even in two chapter lol xD anyway hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later Stars!


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