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Jeromes POV

I quickly call 911, (I'm not sure if that's the emergency number in the US but it is where I live in Canada :)) as I try to see if Ian is bleeding anywhere. I find quite a bit of it on the back of his head. "That must be where he got hit" I mumble under my breath.

When 911 answers I speak before they can, "hello, 911" I say as my heart begins to get a bit faster and faster by the second. "Yes, what is you're emergency?" They reply. It's a girl. "My friend was hit through the window with a brick, he's knocked out and the back of his head is bleeding." I say, as my voice shakes.

"We will send an ambulance over immediately, are you hurt?" She says.

"No, I'm fine. I guess." I say, mumbling the last part.

About 5 minutes later, an ambulance arrives. Along with a police car and a firetruck. A police, a firemen, and two paramedics. The paramedics have a gurney to take Ian in. They pick up his body and carefully place him on it, then start to roll him towards the stairs, as I follow.

They pick up the gurney to take it down the stairs, when suddenly one of them slips! I gasp running towards them as one of the paramedics falls down the stairs, and the gurney would have, but the other paramedic holds on. The medic that fell quickly gets up. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Don't worry." He says. He hurries back to pick up the gurney with Ian. Luckily Ian was strapped to it.

The medics make there way to the ambulance, and as they load him, in I get in too. Just then I get a text saying, "I'll tell you when it's time, or you're little friends will start dropping like flies!" (As I wrote that I thought of everybody dying really fast in HG on the map SnowGlobe😂) "Ok" I think. "I really can't tell anybody about Ashley and who she really is. Ashley just wanted to see if Cassidy was the right kid for Mitch by pretending to be rude, snarky, and mean, but she's taking this way to far. IDEA! I should talk to Ashley face-to-face."

We finally get to the hospital. The medics start to take Ian out of the ambulance, as I get out to. They rush him in and I follow, when someone stops me. "Excuse me sir, but you can't come just yet. We need to take some X-Rays on you're friend over there." He says as he points at Ian. He continues, "just take a seat in the waiting room for now."

"Ok" I respond. I take a seat in the waiting room. All the seats are full except one, beside a girl. "Oh well" I think. I walk over and take a seat. As I sit down the girl turns away. "Ashley?!" I say. She turns toward me. And it's not a she. It's just a he with really long hair that looks like her. "Oh I'm very sorry Mr. I thought you were my friend." I say awkwardly as we both turn away.

The doctor finally comes out and says, "Jerome Aceti?" I stand up. "

That's me." I say, as I walk towards the doctor. "Ian has a pretty bad concussion. He also has a dent in his skull along with a bit of brain damage. He is still asleep; we don't know when he will wake up, but he is not in a coma." My heart drops about 3 feet. I start to feel dizzy, then all the sudden everything is black.


hi Stars! Jayda here and I am SOOO sorry I couldn't get a chapter out in a while! I was really busy! I had this talent show that I was in, I also had to help set up because I was a part of the group that was hosting it at our school! I also have softball 5 times a week! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and maybe you lovely people might find out more about this "big secret"!


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