*insert good chapter name here*

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Hey guys Jayda here or softballgalaxy and I just wanted to let you know that this might be a bit of a shorter chapter, (well at least for me it is because I'm writing on an IPad Mini) but I will try and make up for the past few days with a pretty long chapter tomorrow! And because my school starts on Thursday, I will try and update as soon as often as possible. And I'm sorry but there won't be any other book out until this book ends (or until the possible sequel *wink wink, nudge nudge*). Okay Jayda stop talking! Let's just get to the story...

Cassidy's POV

When we got home I decided to play some Minecraft. Just on Mineplex because I was bored, even thought I had a LOT of clothes to put away. I went on mineplex just to play some hide and seek. I wanted to be a flower pot since there pretty small. One seeker came right up to me and swung his sword all around me but didn't hit me! I was the last hider in the game and I won!

I was getting really hungry so I decided to got make a Nutella sandwich (20 points to griffindor if you know what that sandwich of deliciousness is :P). As soon as I take my first bite someone rings the doorbell.

"I GOT IT!" I yell through the house.

"OKAY!" Jerome yells back.

Jerome can make anyone smile, really. I answer the door to see the one and only Ashley. Oh great, why is she here?

"Hey Cass I just came to see Mitch!"

"MITCH" I yell again. "ASHLEY IS HERE!"

Mitch starts thumping down the stairs and finally gets to the bottom. "Oh hey Ash!" Mitch says to Ashley. "Hey Mitch! Do you want to maybe go to a movie or something?"

"Sure! I mean why not?" Mitch replies. Something isn't right with Ashley. I can just feel it.

"OKAY GUYS I'M GOING TO SEE A MOVIE WITH ASHLEY!" "We need to stop yelling so much!" I laugh as I spoke. "I agree Jerome says as he pops out of the corner. "How long have you been there?!" Ashley asks Jerome. "Oh just a minute or two, not long!" He smiles and walks away.

"Well I better go put away my clothes before I get to- MY SANDWICH" I just almost forgot about my sandwich of deliciousness! I run into the kitchen and start eating it like a madman! "That was goooooood." I say as Jerome walks into the kitchen.

"Hey Jerome, wanna come help me put away my new clothes?"

"Umm I need to... Record something! Ya that's it!"

"Oh I'm just messing with you! Bacca's never do laundry!" I say as we both start to laugh and walk away. When I get to my room I put away all my clothes and decide to watch the news. As soon as I turn it on I see the reporter is in a place quit familiar... "Two cars get in a major car accident..." I turn the volume up a bit. "In one of the cars there were one girl and one boy, by the names of Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes and Ashley Marie Surcombe (I just searched up Ashley's name so please correct me if I'm wrong!).

"Meanwhile in the other car there appears too be nobody there. The police say the car might have been stollen earlier today and hot wired to run into, well really the first car it hits. By some people think there car was targeted though, by who?" "Mitchell and Ashely are in stable condition with a few cuts and bumps. The car got rear-ended so it wouldn't be as bad as a head-on collision."

I turn the tv of and run into Jerome's room. "We need to go to the hospital. Like now." I say. "Why?" "Because Mitch got into a car accident." Jerome jumps up and we both run downstairs. There isn't any time to tell everybody so I text them while were in the car.

(The first letter of the name represents who's textin: A=Adam T=Ty ect.)

C: hey guys me and Jerome r on our way 2 the hospital Mitch got in a car accident brb

A: WHAT! Who was driving?

C: idk probably Mitch but I saw on the news that someone rear-ended him and it looked like he was hit on more of the drivers side

I: we will be there asap c u in a bit


When we get to the hospital the nurse tells us that they are in room 246. When we open the door to the room we see...

Hey guys I'm back! Hahaha! Anyway #sorryimnotsorry for the little cliff hanger! I really really REALLY am going to try my best to have the next chapter out tomorrow! I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 8 of ABB! And i guess this being a short chapter sorta went downhill :P. So ya like it up and comment below if you are enjoying this book so far! Oh and thank you SO SO SO much for 500+ reads on this book! And 24 votes on my account! By the way check out my contest book for my 10 Stars contest! When we get there I have a pretty good surprise in my opinion... So ya follow meh and become a Star today!


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