An Item...

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Cassidy's POV

When we open the door to the room we see Mitch and Ashley sitting on the bed kissing! I knew something what going on between them, but I still don't fully trust Ashley. She seems like she never acts normal and by that I mean by the way she looks at Mitch. Not in a "Oh I have a huge crush on him" or whatever. Like she's inspecting him or something... And when she showed up at the house it was like she just knew Mitch would go with her even thought he didn't say ANYTHING about her before. And it's not like "Cassidy, maybe Mitch just didn't tell you!" Ya no he tells me everything. Well almost everything. But he would for sure tell me about that.

Anyway, a second or two after I open the door Mitch and Ashley brake apart. "What the..." I mumble under my breath. Mitch overhears. "Um hi?" Mitch says sounding a bit confused. "Why were you two um uh ya you know?" I ask Mitch. "Well she's my girlfriend! Why else?" Mitch responds.

"What?! Since when was she your girlfriend?!" Jerome says to Mitch. "Since always! At least that's what Ashley said." As soon as Mitch says that a doctor comes into the room. "Oh by the way who are you two?" Mitch speaks looking right towards Jerome and I. "What do you mean?" Jerome says with a bit of worry in his voice. The doctor that just came in starts to talk "Oh well because the car that rear ended them hit more on the drivers side and Mr. Hughes over here was driving, it must've taking him by surprise and he hit his head pretty hard on the steering wheel. We didn't find out until later when we got him to the hospital that he has amnesia."

The word hit me like 100 knifes stabbing into my body. What if he doesn't remember me? Or he takes me back to that stupid orphanage?! Thoughts flew threw me like a bunch of race cars speeding down the highway. "So what are your names" Mitch points at Jerome and I.

"I'm Cassidy, your daughter."

"I have a daughter?" Mitch says.

"Yeah you adopted me from the orphanage a couple weeks ago."

"Okay, so who are you?" He says as he looks at Jerome.

"I'm Jerome. I've been your best friend since 4th grade and we always record videos together. Your the king of Hunger Games and your a part of this group-ish thing called Team Crafted."

"Okay, well at least I know what Minecraft is..." Mitch says a bit confusingly.

The doctor starts to talk again "He will slowly start to remember things. I can't guaranty he will remember everything but there is an 85% chance that he will." A bit of relief went threw me, but just a bit.

***Magical time skip***

When the doctors finally let us leave we went back to the TC house. "Ashley I need to talk to you. In my room alone." Ashley and I make our way upstairs. When we get to my room Ashley sits on the bed and I close the door as I start to speak.

"How could you?"


Yay! Chapter what it it, nine? Sorry this took sooo long I just started school and I was pretty busy. So ya guess what! I got 10 lions! Go check out my contest book to enter! If you want you can either right it in these comments or in the contest book. You know if you check out my contest book you'll know what I mean... Anyway join the Stars today (and don't forget about that 20 stars contest!) "like" this chapter and maybe if you want comment below what you think will happen!


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