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It seems like every time a girl catches my eye, that's all she really does.

Most of the time I don't even have the guts to talk to a girl like that, but sometimes I feel brave.

Sometimes I feel like I have a chance, but once the conversation starts and once we've known each other for a while, her interests become clear.

Her interests are everything that I will not become: A clean cut man, but I want a beard. A strong hearted man, but I shed tears. A muscular man, but I am fairly thin.

Every time I meet a pretty girl, I never win.

My eyes don't match my personality because my eyes spot the gems that appear perfect, but don't complete me.

My eyes play tricks on me and my eyes have made my mind become corrupt.

Now my mind is thinking of everything that I could've been and everything I should've been if I wanted my heart to be alive today.

But it's not.

And I realize how I could change my image and my personality just to please myself and meet the standards of the girls that I introduce myself to, but I won't be experiencing true happiness.

I want to stay who I am and still be able to fall in love, but at the same time I just want to be yours.

Darling, I know I said I've spoken to other girls, but that's only because it's true. I'm giving you something that no other man will give to you. I'm giving you honesty.

I'm giving you a fact about myself and at the same time I am offering you my heart. I know I said it's dead, but I swear it'll come back to life if it's in your hands.

I don't think you realize how much of an impact you have had on me.

I remember the very first day we spoke to each other and you gave me your phone number. I remember how my crappy phone suddenly turned into my most valuable possession.

And I remember texting you and calling you and falling asleep to the thought of you.

I remember everything.

I remember how you stopped responding and how I chose to stop texting you because I didn't want to bother you. But I still wanted to be with you.

I remember how I spent every day thinking about how much I miss you and how much I wanted a second chance to not just capture your attention, but keep it too.

And I remember how I tried to forget about you the same way you forgot about me, but I couldn't get you out of my head.

And I remember how I laid down to write this poem for you and how I didn't even make an attempt to include rhymes or clever sayings.

And it's strange because that's what you loved most about my poetry. And so I will leave you with this:

Diamond, I love how your name matches your eyes

And I love how even as time flies by

And even as you start to cry

From the day when your mother died

Or the days when your father lied

You still stand true by my

Opinion of you. I think your perfect.

I think our paths need to intersect

Again so we can move on to the next

Chapter in our lives whatever that may be.

But darling please, I need you to see.

Just picture this: You and me.

Imagine everything that we could be.

Just imagine us two.

Everything we could do.

I will never stop loving you.

You know it seems like every time a girl catches my eye, that's all she really does.

And that is because I have met you.

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