She's Hurt, It's May

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We put too much effort trying to impress our friends. We take our friends for granted. We sometimes befriend the wrong people.

This girl has worked for over a decade to get herself into the college of her dreams.

The late nights of procrastination, stress over finals, and drama among classmates only makes the high school experience even worse...

She's struggled physically and emotionally, in and out of the classroom, but her best friends were always there to comfort her, push her forward, and then... push her on the ground and call her a bitch... but that's just how they express their love for each other.

Maybe she's gone through a few guys that she regrets every second with or maybe she never had a guy, so she complains about that on twitter or to her friends...

But when she looks back on her life, she remembers:

Elementary school was so fun and easy and she wishes she could go back...
Middle school was...
okay, middle school never happened...
Freshman year was embarrassing, Sophomore year was just weird,
Junior year was stressful AS FUCK, Senior year was twice as stressful yet twice as fun... nobody understands why.

But now it's May of her senior year... how do you tell her that the friends that she loves more than anything else in this world are about to disappear?

The separation of colleges, states, maybe even countries, these friendships will start to fade.

The girl's night she had the night before graduation just might be the last time those girls sit in the same room at the same time... ever.

She's gonna make new friends in college and so are her old friends and they're all gonna grow apart from each other and the next time they meet, nothing will ever be the same...

Most high school friendships fade over time, but no.. she won't let that happen.

She's had the same best friend since she was born or at least it feels like it because together they've been through hell and back, they've always had each other's back, and occasionally, people have mistaken them for lesbians.

She may not always keep in contact with her best friend, but they both know no distance will ever crack a solid friendship.

They're best friends.

They bring out the best (and worst) in each other.

While separated, they'll give the world hell... until they meet again.

And though she may be hurt from the thought of losing her friends, she knows there's billions of people in this world... there has to be someone out there that can be a good friend...

There just has to be.

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