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I want him to be my husband.

Let me repeat it.

I want HIM to be my HUSBAND.

I wanna wake up every morning in his arms.

I wanna fall asleep every night with his head on my chest.

I want my lips to feel his each and every breath.

I want... him.

Every time I see him, I imagine what it would feel like to have his arms wrapped around my body so tight that there is no room for air between the two of us.

I imagine what it would look like to see him at the gym, his veins popping out of his arms.

I want his hands to hold mine tighter than he grips the pull-up bar.

I want to walk five feet away from him, but still hold his hand just so everyone knows that we're together.

I want the world to see our fingers interlocked, our smiles parallel, our eyes glued on each other, our lips touching softly.

I want to show him off to the world, but just like me... he is bisexual.

I see the danger in a woman taking him away from me... a specific woman... she's already won...

But she doesn't even care about him as much as I care about him.

She doesn't tell him she loves him every morning and night.

She doesn't stay up with him every saturday night to watch SNL with him.

She doesn't wake up every sunday to watch the 49ers with him, no, instead she stays in bed.

She kisses him once and teases him for more as if kissing is just a game and not a sign of affection.

She doesn't tell him when she's hurt, she hides her pain and expects him to solve her facial riddle.

The first time she told him she loved him, he read it off his cell phone.

If love can be expressed on the same screen we use for judgement, then what's the point of expressing love at all?

What's the point?

The point for me is to show him that I can treat him better than she can.

I can give him real love, not tumblr love.

Being with him would make me as happy as a guy who gets to be with him.

There's no analogy I can compare to that feeling because that's as happy as I'll ever be.

All I ask is for him to be my loving man.

If he can do that for me, then I'll return the favor.

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