Broken Statue

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A police officer drives by the local convenient store where he sees a teenager leaving with some chips and a red bull.

The officer's mind notes that the kid is african american... Racist assumptions take over.

The officer stops the kid and after an aggressive 23 minute argument, the paramedics are called to pick up the boy who appears to have multiple bullet wounds in his chest.

Never trust a man with a gun...
Never gun a man you don't trust.

Weeks later, the judge questions the officer and his actions and the officer says "I was threatened. I can't trust anybody in this society. There are wolves among these streets."

But are there really wolves among these streets or are there streets among these wolves?

Wolves get angry. Wolves attack. But so do we.

Take a look back in time when humans started off as animals...

Not much has changed except our advancements.

But we create things so we can feel like we're at the top of the kingdom, so we can look down at other species and say "We are not animals."

It's a lie... but then again if everyone lies, then the truth will cease to exist.

And the officer says "You don't understand. I am more than positive that this kid was seconds away from fighting back."

And the world says "Sir, you don't understand. You only say that because he is black."

There have been far too many incidents where racism, sexism, and unfair judgement takes over the mind.

They assume that because he is black, he is up to no good or because she is a woman wearing short shorts, she wants to give her body up or because they are gay, they hate God.

But believe me when I say, I'd believe in God if his followers accepted me for being who I am.

Judgement is the only reason I call myself gay when I am actually bisexual, but I say I am gay just to piss off those who think it's unnatural to fall in love with ANYbody.

So officer, when you say you knew that boy was going to attack you,
I want you to think about your future daughter... Imagine if one day a man will stand in this courtroom with your daughter and say "Your honor, she was hardly wearing any clothes and she gave me a hug... I could tell what she really wanted."

Equality is essential.

And it's disgusting how you talk to your friends like you did nothing wrong, like you aren't racist.

There's billions of people in this world but there's twice as many faces.

And it's sad that you can't fall because you're already so low.

At best, you can hope your story on the news won't continue to grow

There's a nation out there that wants you to stop making a sound.

They believe that if a murderer is a lowlife, then you're underground.

And it's not just you... Your coworkers, the other officers are hated too once the protests begin.

What ever happened to freedom of speech?

It seems like you're all stuck in the past days like leeches

Sucking blood and only blood. Supporting racism and only racism.

It's depressing, the other day I saw a young black mother with her child walking to their destination when the child said "Mommy, let's go this way! It's much faster!" and the mother said "Son, we can't go that way. I'm afraid." The son questioned his mother's response while stating that the neighborhood is nice and they would even pass by a police station.
But the mother said "Son, I am afraid of the police station. You have no idea what they have done to people like us."

What kind of world do we live in where the protecting force of our cities have become the destructive force of our citizens?

Close your eyes... Imagine a world where a mother is terrified of the people that are paid to keep her kids safe... Open your eyes. Welcome to that world because this is what we live in.

We live in hell yet we pretend it's paradise when we talk others out of suicide.

We put a smile on our face to hide the truth behind our thoughts asking us to die.

So officer, when you say "I know what I saw."

Understand this: Just because this world is broken, that does not mean that none of it can be fixed.

Fix what you can...

Start by assuming that the skin color, gender, and sexuality does not determine a person's characteristics.

Start by stopping what you've done in the past.

But remember... you knew what you saw...
And what you saw was nothing at all.

You know your mistakes.

You can not repaint a broken statue.

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