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???'s POV, 3rd POV:

"Sir." A low voice called out to the godly-looking male, the purple locks of the unknown figure gently flowed with the wind, as he looked out from his balcony at the beautiful city below him, but you were more beautiful than anything else.

That was a fact.

He did not turn his attention to his subordinate, instead tracing his fingers along the photo of your perfect figure.

After a moment of silence, he clicked his tongue, finally speaking up, "What is it?"

"Your daily report of-" the personal bodyguard of the male stopped himself, knowing that it was a sin, according to his master to utter his name.

After all, his master could only speak his name. The older of the two cleared his throat, as he restarted his sentence. "Daily report of your darling, sir."

The younger's lips upturned, his personality diverting as one of a child after hearing his love's name. "Yay!!" He instantly stood up and grabbed the envelope from the underling, a giddy smile on his face, excited to see what the envelope was to contain.

He ripped up the envelope without a care, he just wanted to see what was inside.

And, he got exactly what he wanted. New pictures to add to his collection. He slowly went through the photos, admiring and analyzing every detail of it. "Ah~ his smile is so cute. I want him so bad!" The boy cooed, as he brought it against his chest and hugged it like the man in the picture was actually there.

"Hmm~ oh and this one!! Goodness he's so adorable!" The boy gushed, a warm smile on his lips as he flipped through the different photos of his angel.

"I'll increase your pay as usual, Fernando. Can you tell me how he's been doing lately? He's probably so stressed because of me, isn't he?" The golden-orbed male pouted.

"Well, sir. Based on his sluggish form, and his noticeable eye bags, I believe he hasn't been getting much sleep lately." Fernando informed to his young master.

"Agh, this is all my fault. B-but this is what leads him to me!"

Fernando nodded, used to his master's unusual behavior.

"Well, Fernando. Please go and check up on him again tomorrow." The young master flicked his hand, a gesture for his bodyguard to leave.

3rd person POV:

(M/N) was back in his office, his mind was all over the place. He knew he had clues somewhere, he just knew. Something had clicked when Manzo had ended his summary.

It was like his family's case. (M/N) believed that, Lee Hi-No had killed those people, and killed himself afterwards. Though the thing that ticked the (h/c)-ette off was that there were no signs of harm on the Korean man.

Not a mark, scratch, or any blood from what the photos he saw attached to the case file. He obviously needed more information, but now he an idea, a guess.

He needed to look at old information, and his other 2 cases because now he had something to look for, and if he was right he just needed to find proof to finally break the case.

Yesterday, he had gotten permission to open his family's case back up. It hurt to look back at it, but he had to if he wanted to get somewhere.

In his hands now were the case of his murdered family, his hand shook in fear. "Your a goddamn detective, (m/n) (l/n). Why are you so afraid?" He insulted himself, as he harshly opened the file.

He let out a heavy sigh, flipping through the contents of the folder. He didn't get anything out of it, he tried to find clues in the pictures, there had to be something, anything!

He flung the file in rage, but his expression quickly turned to one of confusion as a red sticky note fluttered down until it hit the floor.

He quickly rushed to it, and picked it up.

"Dr. Yama" it read

Where had he heard that name before?

Dr. Yama
Dr. Yama

"Holy shit..." He muttered under his breath, he hadn't heard that name in such a long time.

Dr. Yama was his father's best friend. They had worked together for years, he would often come to their house to eat dinner and play with him and his younger sister.

"HOLY SHIT!" (M/N) yelled, he needed to find him. If he was still around here that is. He would have to research, and that wouldn't be hard because he knew someone who could get that job done quickly.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'            ♡         '・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The laughter on the other side of call was one of astonishment, "I'm surprised you called me!" (M/N)'s old friend exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Haven't be able to call you as much as before." (M/N) murmured, but the joyful tone of the others quickly intervened, "Hey! Don't feel bad, I know that it's difficult for you right now with all the murdering that's been going on."

The male, Neo, has been a friend of (m/n)'s since high school. They were always close with one another, keeping close contact even with how busy their jobs were.

"I know that whenever you call me you want something, so what is it?" Neo questioned. (M/N) let out a low chuckle, this man just knew everything.

"You see.. I'm working on my family's case personally this time, and I found something unusual. It was a red sticky note, I believe it might've been hidden somewhere in that file or someone could've snuck it in." (M/N) uttered.

"That's great, dude! I hope you'll be able to find something." Neo congratulated, a smile slipped on (m/n)'s mouth as he let out a sigh of contentment.

"Thank you, Neo. Though the reason I called you was to ask if you could search someone for me. Specifically someone named Dr. Yama." (M/N) informed the other. There was silence on the other end.


"Ah, sorry. Yeah, what particular information do you need from him?" Neo questioned, no longer having that playful tone of his.

"Location, phone number, anything to where I'll be able to contact him."

"Alright, I'll get back to you in a couple hours. Let's go out sometimes, yeah?" Neo replied.

"Yeah," was (M/N)'s simple reply as he ended the call.

While he was waiting he just needed to busy himself with other tasks.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'            ♡         '・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


I do hope this story makes sense, please feel free to critique me as I am not a professional writer. Stories like this, personally for me are very difficult to make but I'm up for the challenge.

I promise that things will get more exciting further on, after all I intend to have little twists and turns as the story progresses.

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