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I'm kind of worried right now Bc I think I know where the plot is going but at the same time I don't, so I sincerely apologize if there are some confusing parts in this chapter.


Treacherous sobbing resounded off the walls, blood spilled on the ground as the crimson color trickled down the man's pale skin.

"W-what... did I ever do.. what did I ever do?" He muttered crazily to himself, repeating it over and over again.

A shoe was placed on top of the man's head, causing him to whimper in fear. He shut his eyes tightly not wanting to offend the unknown male. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Dark eyes loomed over the figure, feeling disgusted that he had to be dealing with such a weakling, but it was his master's request after all, and what better way to find out who Tomo was then to "ask" one of his trusted colleague that was presumed to be his best friend since childhood.

His skull pressed against the cold concrete floor, causing him to react by grabbing the man's ankle as to pull him off.

"Stop.. STOP!" He shouted, salvia and blood dripping down his chin. The man, Kamaka, didn't listen, how was the little spy going to demand him to do such a thing.

"If you tell me who exactly Tomo and his mother is, I'll stop, but if not your skull will be crushed to smithereens."

"He's just my friend! He has nothing to do with me or my work of line! I swear.. I swear!"

Without moving, Kamaka forcefully pushed down the spy's head to the ground and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to cough loudly and hold his stomach tightly.

"Who knew spies could be such terrible liars," Kamaka spat, as he stood up and walked to the writhing figure. "From now on, if you don't answer truthfully one of your fingers will be chopped off. Do you understand?"

Kamaka stood near his table full of useful tools, his finger grazed the objects wondering which tool he should use today. He picked up a butcher knife, deciding to sharpen it whilst staring at the figure that crawled on the floor towards the door.

It was laughable how the spy thought he could escape from his clutches. He slowly walked over to the poor spy as he began scratching the door like some rabid animal.

He squatted down to his level, making eye contact with his fearful eyes. "Let's have a little chat, shall we?"

(Y/n) sighed in exhaustion, he had stayed up the whole night looking through old files and stacks of papers for clues. He had tried to search up about different kind of drugs but none really matched the description he was looking for. He began to doubt if a drug was the cause of these killings, but in all seriousness if it did exist, of course it wouldn't be out for the public to use and was used as a sort of way to assassinate threatening figures. Killing two birds with one stone.

He began to think back to a few days ago when he visited Kamakura to find Dr. Yama, with that thought in mind he felt deeply unsettled. He took out a sheet of paper and a pen, tracing back to his visit... a drug gone wrong... a drug gone wrong.

The note.. the entry? What did Dr. Yama write again?

He clicked his pen, anxiously. It was somewhere in the back of his memories. He felt that he was so close to getting an answer but it didn't click in his head.

"Dad and Dr. Yama... a drug gone wrong.. sickness.." he mumbled, as he wrote notes down on his sheet of paper. "Fuck, I don't understand how that's possible." (Y/n) grumbled, deeply frustrated.

He thought back as to what Tomo and Mrs. Rina had talked to him about.

'Dad and Dr. Yama —- a drug gone wrong, sickness

Tomo and Mrs. Rina —— a mysterious suspect leaving the super market, believed a drug had to do with the accident that happened, assault.'

It made sense that a drug could do that much, but the connection with his father and Dr. Yama didn't make much sense. Unless, Dr. Yama was pulling the strings, he'd admit that Dr. Yama was quite suspicious at the time but now he was convinced that he was a victim, not a suspect.

He continued to stare at his notes and wrote more things down that could help him.

'Dad —- before his death he was always away from home.
> Where had he gone?
> What was the reason? — the drug? '

(Y/n) couldn't remember much of his childhood after the death of his family, every time he had thought about them he could only think back to the time at the funeral.

He only vividly remembered a few things, he didn't have much memories of his father since he was never home, but he remembered his mother and his sister very well. They had always supported him in everything he did, they never once had arguments.. actually that was a lie, but even if they did they would resolve it the next second after they fought.

He deeply missed them, but there was nothing he could do to chance the past.

He could only fix the future, and try to solve this mystery. He believed that the dots were slowly connecting, this was the only thing he could summarize for now:

'Dad and Mr. Yama wanted to do something great for the future, and health care, was and still is a big thing that is constantly changing throughout the years. Different machines, instruments, and drugs have been made to cure different types of sicknesses. They had this grand plan to cure the biggest to the smallest illnesses with one simple drug. Though maybe that was a mistake for it turned out to a disaster instead of a cure and caused the death of many. This drug was no longer in the hands of someone trustworthy but rather in the wrong hands. But, the big question is, in whose hands?'

It was obvious that there was some information that he was missing because otherwise there wouldn't be this much trouble as there was now.

Now, the hardest part of this investigation was finding out the suspects. If he could get a look at the CCTV cameras near the supermarket, perhaps he could find information about the suspect that Tomo was talking about.

Plus, he needed to talk to Akifumi about Dr. Yama it was clear that the male had disappeared due to the killer, so he knew for a fact this connected back to his father and Dr. Yama.

He had been busy the past few days that it had slipped through his mind. If anything he should be worried because the mysterious notes that he got from the serial killer about their obsession with him, he couldn't focus and settle down calmly with worry that someone was always watching him.

"Fuck..." (y/n) grumbled, brushing through his hair in frustration. He was always so composed but he felt as if the killer was toying with him, and he couldn't come up with a quick conclusion like he usually did.

What exactly was the killer's plan? They had always made it obvious but yet there were secrets contained in the letters directed towards him, almost as if they wanted him to solve the case but not know too much.

(Y/n) felt that he was being reeled in, which made him feel powerless against the murderer.

But, he was a detective of course he needed to solve the case for civilians' safety. He swore that he would protect this city because he didn't want anyone else to lose something or someone special. It was the worst feeling to experience.

(Y/n) took a sip from his coffee, slowly becoming drowsy after all that thinking. He yawned and stretched, he tried his best to keep his eyes open. He didn't have time for a nap, he needed to keep brainstorming and investigate more evidence. But, alas his brain refused to think and his eyes began to feel heavy as lead, and before he knew he knocked out.

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