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You were right. That sticky note was placed there for your benefit, he wanted to give you a helping hand.

He knew that you didn't like assistance from others, but you wouldn't know that someone had purposefully placed the sticky note in the file.

Your mind was already clouded with how to solve the case, and he didn't really mind. It will only bring you closer and closer to him.

Ah, he could already envision it. The fantasies he had created in his mind, of you and him.

The thought of you wrapping your arms around his waist, laying against his chest after a stressful day, as he brushed through your locks. You would mumble words that he wouldn't understand, but he would still have a gentle smile on his face, cause you were there in his reach.

Oh, he ached for it to come true.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'    ♡    '*:.。 .。.:*・゜゚・*


It was already 12 PM and (M/N) was still patiently waiting for his phone to go off, alerting him that Neo had finished his job.

And, as expected it didn't take as long as a few hours for Neo to find the information needed.

He had texted (M/N) the link of the data he had put together, and with the simple "thanks" from the other, Neo had shut his phone off.

(M/N) was now looking through the doc, it was simple for him to read and understand. Having the specifics of what he had asked for.

He had printed the data out as he marked the things he needed like Dr. Yama's address. It was obvious he needed to go there first before anything else.

As (M/N) looked back into it, his father never really informed the family of his work. The only thing (M/N) did know was that his father worked as some type of doctor, with Yama of course.

He wasn't exactly sure, and couldn't recall the bits of details. It had been a long time after all.

He was determined to find out the secret behind it all, and why Dr. Yama had disappeared after the killing of his family.

Dr. Yama didn't appear at the funeral, it was as if he just left, and that fueled to (m/n)'s suspicion of the man.

But, now he had the location of where the man now lived. He lived in a quiet district of Japan, it was obvious the man was hiding. Though from what?

Perhaps he committed a crime, or someone was after him. Those were two possible reasons why the old man now lived in a secluded side of Japan.

And, (M/N) was gonna know the reason once he got there. It would be a long trip, but he had a feeling it was gonna be worth it.

He felt excitement rush through his blood, that was one of the reasons he loved this job. He loved solving situations, and helping others from possible dangers.

Plus, it was always an adventure for the (h/c)-ette. But, before he could take off he would need permission from the higher-ups to head to Kamakura.

He stomped out the room, searching for his boss. Passing along the way, he stopped one of the employees.

"Do you know if Akifumi is in today?" He asked, the man opened his mouth to speak although quickly closed his mouth, and shaking his head left to right.

(M/N) quickly thanked the man before parting ways. Sometimes this building had its disadvantages and advantages.

He speed walked to the front desk, they would know if his boss had checked in today. After all, attendance was important.

"Ah, Detective (L/N)." The lady said, a smile on her lips. "Hello, Ms. Yoi. How are you doing today?" He asked.

"Great! How may I help you?" She quickly questioned, knowing that the (h/c) haired male was always serious with his work.

(M/N) chuckled, it seemed like everyone knew how seriously he took his job. "Well, I was wondering if Akifumi is here today?"

Yoi hummed, clicking away at her computer. "Yes, he is here. I could call and inform him that you'd like to meet up." She suggested. She already knew what the (h/c) haired male would ask for, before he could say a thing.

"How did you know?" (M/N) laughed. "Props to you, we honestly need more workers like you! And, also thank you." He complimented.  A small dust of pink rose on the women's face.

"O-of course." She stuttered, trying not to look the male in the eyes, instead she busied herself with taking the call.

The call had quickly ended, and she let (M/N) know that Akifumi was to be down in a minute.

(M/N) thanked her again, appreciating the help he received, and remaining oblivious to the rosy cheeks of hers.

It was blatantly obvious that someone already detested the women as soon as she laid her eyes on you.

Though that's the least of your worries right now.

Your mind was only set on the cases, and undergoing your plan. You can't worry about that woman's anticipated death, can you?

Or the fact that someone was always keeping track of your every movements.

No, no. You shouldn't worry about a thing. Just continue working on this brilliant plan of yours! Break the case, find the mastermind behind it all!

He knew you could do it. Yes, his intelligent darling; You could figure it out.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'    ♡    '*:.。 .。.:*・゜゚・*


I would like to hear from you guys what you think is happening behind the cases, and what Dr. Yama and (M/N)'s father's specific profession was.

I would also like to know if the flow of the story is alright, I do feel like I am jumping around the place and not making it very descriptive and understandable for you readers. Please don't feel afraid to let me know.

Thank you for reading

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