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The sun was beginning to set, (M/N) had just finished tidying up his office a bit. It had only a few minutes since his guests had left, and he still had yet to meet with Akifumi.

He thankfully didn't forget about that, it seemed like his boss had something important to say after all.

He gathered his stuff up -since he would be leaving after his talk with Akifumi- leaving his office, as he took a second glance before turning off the lights and locking his door.

He then made his way to Akifumi's office, and was greeted with documents that flew right at his face.

(M/N)'s eyebrows twitched, "Hello to you too.." he greeted. Akifumi apologized half-heartedly, giving an awkward smile. His glasses were tilted to the side and his hair was a mess.

He quickly brushed through his locks in order to look professional in front of his junior. "Hi, Hi. I'm sorry for the mess, (m/n)." Akifumi said, as he piled pieces of paper on top of one another to clear his desk.

(M/N) bent down to pick up the documents, moving forwards as he handed them back to the unorganized senior.

"Thank you."

"No problem, sir." (M/N) sat down, dropping his suitcase beside him as he awaited for his boss to begin the private meeting.

"How was the conference with Mrs. Rika and her son?" Akifumi started, pulling his chair out as he took his own seat in front of the younger.

"Good. They're both wonderful people." (M/N) answered honestly.

"I assume everything went well, so let me begin." Akifumi cleared his throat, his usual playful manner long gone, now replaced with a serious expression.

"Please don't panic with my words." Blue eyes locked with (e/c)'s orbs. (M/N) nodded, slight nerved by the seriousness in his boss's tone.

"Ms. Yoi must've informed you about the serial killer becoming active this past week, and I didn't want to think it was coincidence between you and the-"

(M/N) interrupted, his eyebrows furrowing, "Sir, I don't want to think that you accusing me but-"

Akifumi chuckled, "Oh heavens no!" He exclaimed. "Allow me to finish.. I am not accusing you of being the serial killer since I know where you went, and you even found important evidence. What I'm saying is that the serial killer is connected to you in someway."

(M/N)'s mouth opened, before closing it, giving a confused look in return. "I'm not sure I follow, sir. Why would the serial killer have to do with me?"

Akifumi hesitated, choosing his words carefully before he spilled the truth; He didn't want his hard-working junior to worry too much.

"Hmm... Well, I was actually supposed to keep it hidden from you, everyone in this office was. I commanded them too, because I wanted to tell you myself."

"You see, while observing the scene, there were many notes and gifts placed by the victim. Even some messages were painted with blood on the walls or even on the cards. All were addressed to you."

(M/N) heart hammered against his chest. Sure, he was known to be a strong-willed man, but even he had fears of his own, and having the notorious serial killer address presents specifically for him was terrifying to say the least.

Sweat dripped down his forehead as he looked down at the floor. "(M/N), take a deep breath alright? I know this is information might be too much for you, but I thought you needed to know." Akifumi's calm voiced called out to him.

(M/N) breathed in and out until he was able to calm his nerves down.

"Am I allowed to see them?" (M/N) questioned. "Are you sure?" Akifumi asked with uncertainty. The messages and gifts were abnormal, and concerning.

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