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(This is a filler chapter, but it's important! Also for  some reason the votes didn't show up on the last chapter, but I think it's probably due to my unstable internet. Also I really wanna do a Yandere! Genderbend Beldam x Male Reader, what do you guys think? It's based on 'CORALINE' )

Muttering and whispers could be heard behind the door, as (m/n) took a deep breath before entering with a professional aura.

Three pairs of eyes turned to him, all filled with relief. "Ah, you're here (M/N)." Akifumi stated as he stood up from his leaning position. "I want you to meet, Mrs. Rina and her son Tomo."

(M/N) bowed down in a respectable manner, as he gave them a warm smile. "I hope you're both are doing well, things in Tokyo have been a little hectic lately, but rest assured our team will surely find a solution and stop these events from happening." He informed, a way to comfort the two.

(M/N) inspected the both of them quickly, the male next to the older women looked around his age, he had silky dark blue hair that sat against his shoulders and earl gray orbs that looked just like his mother's. He had a lean build which complemented his features, although he was more on the shorter side.

He greatly resembled his mother who had a lighter shade of blue that was healthily kept. She had a few wrinkles here and there, but her skin was fair as if she had not aged.

(M/N) then clasped his hand together as he sat in his chair where he was now facing both the family members.

Akifumi whispered in (m/n)'s ears telling him to find him after the conference, he then excused himself as he left the room.

(M/N) then leaned forward a bit, "So, how could I help you today Mrs. Rina?" He began, as he stared into the women's dull grey eyes.

"Thank you for having the time to talk to us, detective..." She muttered, her eyes glazed with gratefulness. "Of course, madam." He gave her a small smile of appreciation.

Her lips turned up into a small smile of her own, before she continued on with her story. "I was out last night in the grocery store, everything was casual.. people buying products, employees stocking up new items. I had passed by the druggie many times in the store, he looked completely healthy and fine! He was a nice looking young man. About fifteen minutes later I heard crazed shoutings and screaming, I headed over to the area where I heard the commotion, and there was the same young men punching and scratching a older man like a crazed beast. People were trying to pull him off the poor man, but he had such great strength. As soon as I headed over to the spot his eyes landed on me and he quickly rushed to me..." she paused then, as she looked at her son who stared back at her.

(M/n) watched their interaction, as he patiently waited for her to continue. "Take all the time you need. There's no rush." He assured.

Mrs. Rina held her son's hand tightly, "Tomo, who had been around the area doing chores for me.. saw people rushing out with scared expressions and immediately came inside to check if I was okay. The man had already had me on the ground before Tomo tossed him to the side."

Tomo nodded in affirmation, as he stared into (m/n)'s eyes as if staring into his soul.

"You took good care of your son, Mrs. Rina. I'm glad that both of you came out alive, I also thank you for informing me this. It holds great help to me and others." (M/n) nodded as he tapped his pen against his desk.

"I also have something to say." The blue-haired male spoke up, his voice like honey with how smooth it flowed.

"Go ahead." (M/n) replied, interested in what the male was gonna say.

Tomo's grey orbs looked down as if trying to remember something. He then flickered his eyes upwards as it then landed on (e/c) ones.

"Although, I was in hurry I bumped into someone along the way. He wore a purple cap that hid his face, but I did get a good glimpse of the color of his hair.. tough it may or may not have been a wig due to the rough edges that seemed not to be combed. His actions were suspicious too, I took one last glimpse after I had apologized, to see both hands in his pockets looking as if he was playing with some sort of item, he looked to be in a rush too. I know those are not justified reasons to believe that he had something to do with what happened in the store, but I majored in Psychology, and have also studied, tested, and manufactured many medications/drugs."

"I know I may not be a detective but I have one reason to believe, from my mother's story, that it was not the cause of that young man but a drug instead. I do not know how it got in his system, nor do you have to believe my words. I am simply just making a hypothesis, since it is not impossible with the advance drugs we have now-a-days. For example, with drugs we can target a specific area of the brain so it can operate in a more efficient way. Drugs can also reduce pain. Though, I might add that if it were to be the cause of a drug.. someone highly intelligent would have had to make such a thing."

(M/n)'s eyebrows lifted at the younger male's statement. He wasn't wrong, and it was a good hypothesis. (M/N)'s eyes brightened..

A drug... that's right.

The unfinished conclusion, the absence of Yama, the creation, the cases, it all made sense.

"Thank you, I really appreciate you two for coming into today. You have helped me a great bunch. If you guys are free tomorrow I would like to treat you out for lunch." (M/N) gratefully smiled as he stood up, the other two doing the same.

"Oh, no. We couldn't take more of your time detective." Mrs. Rina declined politely but (m/n) kept on insisting until she accepted.

Tomo chuckled at the two's interaction, the two politely offering and declining back and forth for a few minutes.

After the two had stopped "arguing" Tomo and his mother left. Tomo had given a small wave and a thankful smile as he stared at (m/n) with those warming grey orbs as he shut the door.

(The next chapter is gonna be super fun for me to write)

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