Sucker | Pietro Maximoff

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Summary: Y/N has hated Pietro ever since the day they met. Pietro always have known how to push their buttons and make them go crazy. But a thing he doesn't know, is the huge crush that Y/N has on him.

Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Avenger!Fem!Reader

Warnings: None, just enemies to lovers and fluff

Word Count: 4.6k

Pop! The toaster went off letting me know about my pop tart. I picked it up and immediately dropped it on my plate, forgetting how hot it was. "Stupid me," I thought. Just as I was about to take a bite, I felt a gush of wind pass right by me and for a split second, my pop tart in my hand was gone. Confused and befuddled about where my pastry treat could have gone since it couldn't have grown legs and walk off on its own. I then flinched not noticing that Pietro was in front of me leaning on the counter, and of course, eating my pop tart.

"Aw thanks, Y/N how did you know I was hungry," He said with a smug smirk on his face while taking a bite leaving crumbs on his 'so-called scruffy man beard'.

This made me upset but it hasn't been the first time. Having to live with Pietro in the tower has been torture for a year now. He has always found a way to annoy me or push my buttons and he has certainly had today with taking away my pop tart from me, considering it was the last one from the box.

"I didn't and that was the last one from the box," I said through my gritted teeth.

"Well, you know what they say, 'finders keepers losers weepers."
"You didn't find it, you stole it."

"Aw, are you gonna cry since you lost?"

Usually, I was gonna come back with a quick response to say to his face but today I was not in the mood because I had two worse things to deal with: having my snack taken away from me and being on my period.

"Wow you're such a big boy, you won congrats," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"You know you can get something better than a snack right?" He said winking at me.

I was not amused at his so-called pick-up lines. But I didn't let it show. Hating him was one thing, but having a big crush on him was another. I have to admit it, that silver-haired boy has got my heart racing like he usually does.

"I hate you." I put the plate down on the counter and started walking to my room.

"Love you too honey."

I shut the door and I can feel my face burning up. 'How can he be so childish yet so attractive at the same time.' I thought to myself. I went to my sock drawer and pulled out my diary which was a light baby blue journal and I opened it with the ribbon that supported where I left off. I then took a black pen from on top of the stand and started writing away. He always has me blushing and my heart fluttering. Considering his famous catchphrase is 'Didn't see that coming?', honestly that's how I felt when I was falling for him. Guess you could say I'm a sucker for him. All the pages in my diary contained how I feel about Pietro and how he makes me feel. Of course, I couldn't show or tell about it. God knows how embarrassed I would be if anyone, including Pietro, had found out. I heard a knock on the door. I immediately put the book under my pillow and sat straight up in my bed.

"Come in," I said.

Walking in was Pietro. He had a small packaged silver wrapper in his hand.

"Oh, what do you want?" I said pretending to be annoyed.
"Well, I wanted to say I'm sorry that I stole your pop tart. So I went out quickly to the store to get you a new box. Wanda told me you were on your," he chuckled nervously trying to find the right words to say.

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