Late Night Talking | Namor

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Requested by wannapizzamymindposts on Tumblr:

Hello! ((\(^_^)/))

I have a K'uk'ulkan request!

"Can we get some sleepy ramblings from him? Like, him and the reader are going to sleep, and he's saying some incomprehensible, random, kingly duty nonsense, and the reader is just finding it hilarious. Just trying to holding in their laughter while he's just going on and on."

Summary:  It's nothing new that Namor talks in his sleep and while you sleep next or by him you hear it all

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Summary:  It's nothing new that Namor talks in his sleep and while you sleep next or by him you hear it all. But one night he talks in his sleep and things are hilarious.

Pairing: K'uk'ulkan/Namor x GN!Reader

Word Count: ???

Warnings: none just major fluff

You and Namor have always slept by each other as long as you both can remember

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You and Namor have always slept by each other as long as you both can remember.

You guys would cuddle up together in your big bed and sleep holding each other. But you notice that while you guys are sleeping, Namor would talk or ramble in his sleep.

You sometimes joke to Namor about it but he denies saying he doesn't talk in his sleep. Until one night.

After a long day of looking over Talokan as both King(s)/Queen, you guys decided it was best to go to sleep. You both said goodnight to each other

"Goodnight my queen/king." Namor kisses you sweetly on the lips.

"Goodnight my love." You kiss him back.

You both pulled back and smile at each other. You get into your shared bed and cuddle with each other.  Namor started rubbing circles on your back and you started falling asleep quickly. You love it when he rubs circles on your back.

A few hours later, you guys are sleeping soundly and peacefully. Then suddenly you hear talking out of nowhere. You get up rubbing your eye to see who was talking this late.

Then you recognize the voice. It was Namor's voice. You look to your right to see him sleeping, knocked out cold and just talking whatever incomprehensible nonsense is coming out of his mouth.

"Imperius Rex! Rise Talokan! Rise Talokan!"

You just laid in bed looking at him while trying to hold on your laughter to not wake him up. But to your efforts, he continues.

"I am king of Talokan, and you will not disrespect my partner! Imperius Rex!"

After a while you could hold it in anymore. You started laughing and quickly covered your mouth. Namor woke up to your laugh. He turned to you confused why you were awake.

"Is everything alright Y/N? Why are you awake? And why are you laughing?"

It took you a minute to calm yourself down to explain everything. Even when you were talking you had a smile on your face.

"Y-you were talking in your sleep Namor."

"I was?"


"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were Namor you weren't saying king duties  in your sleep and bunch of nonsense."

"What did I say?"

"Oh you were saying a lot of things. You kept saying Rise Talokan, imperius Rex, and saying to not disrespect me." You smiled.

Namor looks at you confused about his sleep talking but can't help but smile at you because of your expression.

"Well I guess what you say is true about me sleep talking. I just thought you were making it up."

"No why would I do that?" You laugh and Namor laughs with you.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted your sleep."

"It's ok," You reach your hand out to play with his curly dark hair and move down to cup his face.

"I don't mind losing a bit of sleep because of you."

Namor smiles at this. He just loves you so much. You both went back to sleep to cuddle with each other. It's needless to say the next morning you would nonstop make fun of Namor of his sleep talk. 

Namor would be annoyed but can't be mad at you because he loves you and you do the same with him.

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