Movie Night...Gone Wrong? | Matthew Murdock

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Summary: After a long night mission, Y/N and Matt were just hoping to have a wholesome movie night. But things didn't go as planned as they should've.

Pairing: Matthew Murdock x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: None just fluff and mentions of panic attack

Key: H/M/O/Y/C = 'Horror Movie Of Your Choice'

Third Person POV:

"Alright," Matthew plopped down on the couch after his long night doing a mission.

"What movie are we watching?"

"I was thinking H/M/O/Y/C"

Matthew went from smiling to a straight face all of a sudden and looked at Y/N.



"A horror movie? Babe, I'm blind."

"It has an audio description."

"How am I gonna get scared if I can't see anything?"

"Come on baby please it'll be fun I promise," Y/N holds Matthew's hand. "Please?"

Although Matthew couldn't see Y/N's face, it did make him guilty and he gave in.

"Ok fine let's watch the movie."

"Thank you so much, I promise you won't regret it."

"Well, I can say that promise won't last," He replied, which made Y/N laugh.

Y/N grabbed the remote for the TV and started putting on the movie along with a blanket over her and her boyfriend and a bucket of popcorn to keep the company. Y/N threw popcorn at Matthew to see if he could catch it with his mouth and to her surprise, he did. Matthew was laughing as he tried to do the same with Y/N but with no luck.

He leaned to kiss her on the cheek and Y/N blushed as they continued watching the movie. Matthew was paying close attention to the movie whilst listening to the audio description while Y/N was just watching the movie with her eyes. Time went by and a jumpscare came which made Y/N jump and her heart beat fast, causing Matthew to feel it.

"Y/N, are you ok?"

"What? Oh yeah, it's just that a jumpscare came that's all. That's why I jumped."

"Why don't you come closer to me I'll keep you warm and safe," He smiled while turning to Y/N making her smile and blush a little

"Ok fine" Y/N was still smiling and got closer and Matthew put his arm around her shoulder while she put her head on his as they continued watching (or listening to the movie).

Time went by again and another jumpscare happened again causing Y/N to jump again, making her heart beat fast. Not to mention almost dropping the entire bowl of popcorn onto the floor as Matthew caught it just in time and put it back onto Y/N's lap.

"Now that would have been scary if that popcorn fell onto the"

Before Matthew could finish his sentence, another jumpscare came, but this time the popcorn finally went to the floor.

"-floor," Matthew said annoyed.

"Oh I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to"

"No it's ok you don't have to apologize you were scared I understand that. How about I make a new bowl of popcorn and I'll be back okay?" He smiled while going to the kitchen.

"Ok" Y/N replied.

Matthew went to the kitchen and opened a cabinet and grabbed a bowl. Then he grabbed a packet of microwave popcorn and went to the microwave to put it inside and heat it using the braille touchpads. As he waited for it to heat up, he noticed something was wrong. Y/N's heartbeat was going faster than usual, faster than the first few jumpscares before. He also heard crying and could feel Y/N being cold with goosebumps and shaking. He quickly ran up to her and grabbed the TV remote to pause the movie.

"Alexa pause 'H/M/O/Y/C'

"Pausing 'H/M/O/Y/C'"

"Babe, what happened? Are you okay?"

All Y/N could say was her heavy breathing trying to calm while trying to explain to Matthew why she was feeling.

"Please say something"

"There was a scene, I-I couldn't take it. It was too much for me. I then started shaking and then crying and I swear to god I felt I was gonna piss myself."

Matthew then held and hugged Y/N as she slowly cried because of the traumatizing scene that happened while her heart was still beating fast. He put a kiss on Y/N's head causing her heart to slow down and feel at ease. He then pulled out of the hug and held the sides of Y/N's face and gave her a soft gentle kiss while tasting the bittersweetness of her run-down tears. After both were done kissing due to being short of breath, Y/N finally smiled again while tears were still running down.

"I think we should watch another movie"

"And I think you just read my mind"

They both laughed until the beeping of the microwave was going off indicating that the popcorn was ready.

"Oh right the popcorn is ready I forgot" Matthew laughed as he got up and went to get it and put it into a bowl.

Y/N smiled again feeling calmer than ever. She then took a deep breath and managed to pick up the remote to get out of the movie she was watching and pick another movie, but this time not a horror movie. As she was about to hit play, Matthew plopped onto the couch with a fully new bowl of popcorn as Y/N happily took one and popped it into her mouth.

"So what movie are you watching?"

"How about we watch Spongebob?"

Matthew turned to Y/N as he did earlier in the beginning and started laughing.

"Ok can't argue with you on that one"

"No, you really can not"

They both laughed and played again with throwing popcorn into each other's mouths to see who wins, and yet again Matthew beat his high score from earlier, while Y/N still had no luck. Matthew went to lean in to kiss Y/N on the cheek while she grabbed the side of his face and kissed him on the lips instead passionately. They both smiled as they watched (or listened to Spongebob) and cuddled for the rest of the night.

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