Comic Store | Tobey Maguire!Peter Parker

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Pairing: Tobey Maguire!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1.k

Warnings: none just Flash being a jerk

"Ok here's your change and receipt, have a lovely day." I smile at the customer
"Thank you too." She smiles back as she grabs the bag of the comic book she purchased and walks out the door.

Working in a comic book store hasn't been interesting, to say the least. I know it may seem like a boring job, but hey it pays well. The only thing that pisses me off or I hate that happens sometimes is when the group of jock kids especially Flash and his jerk friends sometimes come here to just annoy me or hit on me.

I always have to tell him like a million times that I'm not interested in him or say I'll have to call the cops if they won't leave or at least buy something.

If that doesn't seem bad enough, I have to go to school with him and deal with him on the bus, the lunchroom, hallways, my classes, and almost everywhere. It's like I can't get away from him.

I guess I spoke too soon when I hear a group of boys just being loud and obnoxious. If you guessed it, it's Flash. And his idiotic friends to follow him along too.

I roll my eyes and give a big sigh as they approach. in front of my working space. Not again, I thought.

"Oh hey Y/N?" Flash said with a smirk, but if I could I wanted to punch it off of him, or at least someone would be kind enough to do it for me
"Flash, what do you want?"
"I say how about a ride with me downtown and we go on a date if you know what term of ride I'm using."

I was so disgusted at his behavior. His friends didn't think so and were laughing.

"Like I would ever go on a date with you Flash."
"Come on Y/N why can't you admit it. Your hot, pretty, smart, and why can't one date at least make up your mind?"
"Are you gonna stand there and waste that mouth or are you gonna buy something?"
"Yeah sure I'll buy something, I'll take some of your gum."

He pulled out a crumpled dollar bill from his pockets and a quarter and slammed it onto the table in front of me making me flinch sorta. I then see his nasty hand just grab a huge amount of the wrapped bazooka bubblegum we have from the cardboard in front of me. Flash then opened the wrapper and put the gum in his mouth while throwing the wrapper at me. He gave some to his friends and they did the same.

They all threw wrappers at me and left for the door.

"See you in school tomorrow Y/N," Flash smirked again while his friends made kissy faces to me as they left.

I was pissed. I have never felt so furious in my life. I tried to keep calm as I grabbed the wrappers that they threw at me into the trash by me and I did the same with Flash's money. That boy could try all he wants to ask me out, I'll just keep rejecting him.

A customer then appeared in front of me with a comic book. I turn to the person to see a young boy possibly my age with glasses and a nice sweater.

"Hey," I try my best to give a convincing smile but deep down inside I was just furious at Flash's childish behavior.

"Hey, how are you?" The guy in the glasses says kindly and with a huge smile.

"Fine, could be better."

"Does he always bother you?"

"I could never get away from him, even if I tried. If it's bad enough that he has to go to my work, I bet you can imagine how much of a douchebag he is at school since I go to the same school as him. Hey speaking of, you look familiar. Don't you go to the same school as me?"

"Midtown High?"

"Yeah, that's where I go to. Peter isn't it?"

"Yeah and Y/N it is?"

"Yeah, it is. I feel bad for not recognizing you, I'm sorry."

"Ah don't be, most people don't anyway."

I nodded looking down and back to face to make eye contact again. I then took his comic book and scanned it. He had an X-Men comic.

"Is that all for today?"
"Yup," The boy said shyly.

I smiled at him.

"Your total is 2.99," I turned to him and see he was reaching out a dollar bill of 3 dollars.

I take the money and gave him a change of 1 dollar to him.

"If you had a superpower, what it would be?" Peter asked me.

I thought about it for a moment. Although I did say I would like to punch that smirk on Flash's face earlier like super-strength, I think I just want to be invisible so he could stop bothering me.

"I think invisibility, what about you?"
"Well I think I already have that power," He said chuckling and I couldn't but help to.
"I think I would like super strength or be strong."
"Well, my father always told me that it isn't on the outside that makes you look big, strong, tough, or fearless, it's on what's the inside. It's in your heart."
"Wow, your father sounds like a wise man."
"Yeah, he was."

I smile faintly but also sad because my father is dead. I try to get rid of those thoughts and continue smiling.

"Well I gotta get going, I guess I'll see you tomorrow Y/N."
"Okay, you too Peter bye."
"Bye and thank you"
"No problem," I smile as Peter walked out the door.

Suddenly all that rage in me went away. It's like everything that happened with Flash just earlier never happened. Perhaps it was because of Peter. I smile at it and hope I see him at school tomorrow.

He is something.

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