Unspoken Words | Shuri Udaku Part 2

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Summary: It had been one year since Y/N had moved to Wakanda and everything has changed for her. Including her feelings toward Shuri. Y/N had been holding it in thinking Shuri won't feel the same for you, but little does she know, she does. Will one of them confess their feelings before it's too late of war?

Pairing: Shuri Udaku x Avenger!Fem!Reader with Super-Powers

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: mutual pining, overthinking,

a/n: This is part 2 of 'Your The Only Friend I Need' Shuri Udaku x Fem!Reader fanfic. hope you enjoy it! Also please note that I'm very terrible at writing fight scenes 😭✋ also idr a majority of Wakanda Forever so I'm gonna edit when it comes out in HD

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Feedback is always appreciated!

It has been one year since you moved into Wakanda due to the Queen's request to comfort Shuri. And you never thought where you ended up now. Due to you being mildly enhanced with powers. You were seen as a hero in the eyes of the people of Wakanda.

You also noticed your feelings strated to change. Those feelings were for Shuri, your best friend. It seemed like whenever you guys interacted with each other or touch skin to skin it sparked a flame in you.

You thought you were feeling a bit under the weather and the feeling would at least go away in a day or two. But it didn't. You desperately tried to get rid of those feelings, in fear and avoiding humiliation that she wouldn't feel the same about you.

But little did you know...she did in fact. Shuri started having feelings for you too but also afraid of being the first to speak up.

You both hadn't realized that your feelings for each other was just a butterfly wanting to be free from it's cocoon. One day you were training your powers in her lab.

"Ok Y/N," Shuri said as she finished setting up the dummies for practice. "Your goal is to try to beat these dummies, pretend these are bad guys in under 2 minutes. Think you can do that?"

"Yup. Can do it."

"Ok let me know when you're ready."

"I'm all set."

"And your time starts now."

You used your forceful wave powers to knock down the dummies one by one. You did a little tuck and roll on the floor to get one. Now you are off to just one dummy and you easily knocked it down."

"Oh my god. 28 seconds. That's amazing. Maybe you wouldn't survive 28 seconds if you did quicker."

"Oh shut up Shuri," You laughed and so did Shuri.

"Now we gotta test your combat skills."

"Combat skills? I have powers, pretty sure that's enough."

"Well, what if one day you can't use your powers, just your hands, and feet to fight for your life?"

"Ok fine."

You both went to the training room to go practice your combat skills. Both of you got ready in stance with arms up ready to fight.

Shuri came charging at you and you dodged quickly. You came at her and hit her in the side. Although you felt bad that you were hitting her

"You're doing great." Shuri panted as she held her side.

You try to get rid of your feeling bad for Shuri and continue on training. You went charging at her and she missed completely and hit you in the leg. She also felt bad for having to hit you.

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