The Night We Met | Bucky Barnes

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Summary: Y/N can't sleep. All because of the flashbacks she keeps receiving of the night her and Bucky met.

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 2.6k

Warnings: Angst, flashbacks and breakup?

Key: Italic words = Flashback

"1, 2, 3," This has been the 50th time that I counted sheep to try to fall asleep. It doesn't work as it says it does. I couldn't sleep off the flashbacks I had of the night I met Bucky. It has hurt me deep inside, that he may not be the same sweet Brooklyn boy as he was before. I then decided to take a walk outside, perhaps by a bridge or a park to ease my mind off. I grabbed my coat from my closet for the uninvited February wind.

I put on my converse, still leaving my pajamas on, not caring what other people would say. 'I mean I did wear pants back in the '40s.' I thought. I tried my best to quietly open the door to not make any noise, but to my surprise, it creaked. I tiptoed my way to the elevator like a child waking up late at night to see their presents before Christmas morning.

Suddenly I remember that Jarvis might turn on and wake up the whole tower, so I thought it's best just to take the stairs. I then passed by the kitchen and decided to grab a pear on the way. As I grabbed a pear, my clumsy self accidentally knocked over the bowl causing it to spill all over the floor.

'Come on! Are you kidding me?' I hoped nobody heard that or woke up and thought it was an intruder. It's funny I'm an Avenger and can fight off multiple bad guys, but can't do the simplest thing which is getting a pear from the kitchen late at night. I quickly picked up the other fruits and put them back on the table. Just as I thought the coast was clear, I walked to the stairs and heard a voice call out.

'Y/N?' I heard Steve's voice call out.

I thought it was as quiet as a mouse. I tried my best to keep calm.

"N-no it's not me," I immediately slapped my forehead to what I just said.

"Y/N I know it's you, can you come out so I can see you please?"

I sighed and gave in. I walked to the kitchen to see Steve with his arms crossed like a concerned dad when their daughter comes home late after curfew.

"Are you going somewhere? Why do you have your shoes and coat?"

"I just can't sleep. So I thought I would take a walk just for a bit to tire myself out."
"You can't go out by yourself, especially in the middle of the night."

"Steve, it's fine. Natasha gave me her pocket knife, brass knuckles, pepper spray, window breaker, and everything I need."

"Y/N, I feel like this is more than just taking a walk. I think there is something or someone on your mind."

Should I explain to him why I keep falling asleep in meetings and why do I need coffee 24/7? I mean this was his best friend and of course my lover. I took a deep breath trying to explain my feelings.

"It's just B-Bucky. He's always in my dreams before he changed. Especially the night-" My eyes are watering like a dam and my voice is breaking.

Steve came over to me and hugged me. Rubbing small circles on my back to calm me down.

"The night of what? Please take your time." Steve said, concerned.

"The night we met. It just won't leave my mind. I don't know if I can keep doing this. Keep fighting him."

"Y/N it's okay I understand. I too don't want to fight him, but I promise we're not hurting him."

I guess I'm not the only traveler who has not repaid their debt. I finally pulled away from the hug and looked up to Steve with a smile on my face. He gently wiped the tears off my face.

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