Is That My Shirt? | Natasha Romanoff

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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Avenger!Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: none just fluff

Key: Y/F/S = 'Your Favorite Snack's
Y/F/T/S = 'Your Favorite TV Show'
Y/F/B = 'Your Favorite Book'

a/n: I was inspired by one of these writing prompts (No. 36) above that I found on Pinterest to give me inspo for this imagine. And ofc it reminded me of the deleted scene from AOU lmao

Natasha's POV:

I was vibing with my headphones listening to 'Cheap Thrills' by Sia while doing the laundry. It's been a nice chill afternoon after completing the Ultron mission. I was leaning in front of the machine just tapping to the beat of the music when I felt it vibrate letting me know it was done.

I turn around and crouch down slightly, opening the door and begin taking out the clothes and putting them into the basket.

I then noticed how little my basket has gotten. I take out one of my headphones and rummage to see most of my favorite shirts, hoodies, and sweatpants were missing.

I take out the other headphone and grab the basket to head to the living room where my girlfriend Y/N is. I see her snuggled up on a couch just eating her Y/F/S.

'Hey Y/N." I approached her slowly while looking to see the TV turned on for Y/F/T/S.

"Oh hey Natty baby, what you up to?"

"Nothing much, just doing laundry. Hey, you haven't seen any of my clothing around have you?"

"Mmm...nope." She said shaking her head.

"Because I missing most of my clothing."

"Sorry haven't seen them."

I crossed my arms and looked at her for a while. "Haven't seen them?" Well, we'll see about that.

"Okay, well I'll let you relax a bit, love you bae."

"Love you too," Y/N said with a smile and I walk to her closer and lean down to kiss her forehead.

I wave goodbye and so did she as I walked away to the kitchen. There was Sam and Steve just eating and drinking. I go to the cabinet to get a pack of Chips Ahoy.

"Hey boys," I said while opening the pack and taking one cookie out to eat it.

"Hey, Natasha, what's up?" Sam asked.

"Nothing much, just doing laundry. You guys haven't seen any of my clothes laying around have you?"

"I don't think so, have you asked Y/N?"

"I did and they said they haven't seen them'.

"And you believed her?"

I looked at Sam and he was smirking. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I want to believe them but at the same time we've been dating for two months so who knows?"

"You don't ever see Y/N wear your clothing?"

"No not a lot."

"Well maybe ask her again tomorrow?"

I nodded and just continue eating Chips Ahoy as we talked. A day has passed, and now I was in the training room just learning combat moves. After I was all sweaty and done, I decided to take a warm shower.

I wrap myself in a cozy towel and go to my room and open the drawers to see what I can wear. Again just like the other day, I see most of my clothes are missing. I sighed in annoyance and just grabbed a plain white t-shirt and dark blue navy sweatpants.

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