A Chance to Say Goodbye | Joaquin Torres

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Summary: Y/N and Joaquin get into a serious argument after Joaquin got injured badly trying to stop the Flag-Smashers.

Pairing: Joaquin Torres x Fem!Reader Warnings: angst, fighting, eventual fluff at end, swearing

Word Count: 1325+

Author's Note: One of my works that started when was around 14 years old but never got to post.

It had been a fine, regular day. You were at home while your boyfriend Joaquin was in Switzerland. You worried about him constantly if he was ok, if he was injured. But most importantly, is he alive? You try to brush off the thought as you were trying to keep the house clean. Dating Joaquin is both amazing but it can also come with it's challenges.

He can be a bit stubborn at times and gets himself into danger, even though he's a Air Force lieutenant and he chose this job because he wanted to protect people.

You appreciated that part about him. He wanted to help other people. He didn't have superpowers or super human strength, but it's the most he can do such as protecting his country. But with so many people he helps, you wonder, if one day, he'll be able to save himself.
All of the pondering and thinking got interrupted, when you suddenly got a call from an unknown number. You picked it up.

"Hello, am speaking with YINL/IN?" "Depends on who's asking" "This is the Switzerland hospital, we're here Joaquin Torres."

Your heart skips a beat.

"Oh no..what happened? Is everything alright with him?"
"Yes and no. He was beaten up bya terrorist group that is wanted called the "Flag-Smashers. He tried to stop them but he got punched multiple times and had a hard time breathing due to how hard they threw him on the ground." The tears in your eyes were starting to form already. Your worst nightmare has finally become reality. "Oh my God. I can't believe it. What is the state he's in now?"
"Right now he can walk fine but the bruises on his face can take time to heal." "ls the group found? Did anyone see their faces?" "At the moment no, but we'll update you with information about the group. We're setting up transportation for Joaquin Torres to return due to his condition."
"He'll return where?"

"He'll return to [the house you live in]. We'll drop him off at the airport."
"Ok what time would expect to pick him up?" "In about 3 hours if that's ok with you miss." "Yes it's alright with me."
"Ok, again l'm sorry about the condition of Joaquin maam. We might have to call him for questioning about what he saw that night but other than that we want to make sure he's doing well." "Thank you, very much. I appreciate it, a lot." "You have a good day miss."
"You too thank you."

You hung up the phone, slowly put the phone on the counter and just took a deep breath. The thought of Joaquin being hurt was too much. What if it had been worse? What if he had been killed?

You try to relax as you have to pick up Joaquin from the airport in 2 hours. You went to the bathroom to take a shower and after take a nap. An alarm was set in your phone to let you know when it's time to pick up your boyfriend.

An hour passed and your alarm rang. You wentto get ready and drove to the airport 15 minutes from your home. You waited in front of the  area, trying to see Joaquin. Luckily (not really) the bruises on his face made him stand out in which it made him easy to spot.

He sees your car and smiles, but he can only smile small and not a huge one as he always does when sees you due to the pain that happens. He goes up to the passenger side and opens the car. He gets inside and puts his bag in the back.

"Hi baby." He smiles again leaning in for a kiss.
"Hi" You said not leaning in back with a cold stare.

It doesn't take long for Joaquin to know that you are upset, besides the fact you guys have been dating since before the blip.

The ride home was a painfully silent ride. You didn't want it to be one, but you felt like you had to make it clear you weren't happy with the choice Joaquin made confronting those terrorists by themselves, especially without backup or Sam there with him.

Soon enough you guys made it home. You went inside, not waiting for Joaquin, while he was getting his bag from the back of your car. You guys went inside of your home and still no conservation.

"Baby l'm going to take a shower and maybe we can watch a movie together? make the popcorn and you choose the movie tonight." Joaquin heads up to the stairs.

"A movie night? Seriously, after what happened you want to do a movie night? We're not going to address the elephant in the room?"

His back was facing you but he sighed knowing this wouldn't be easy to drop. He turned to you

"What you did that night was probably the most idiotic, mindless, stupid shit you could have done, that I know of."

"I know that-"

"You couldn't wait for backup or Sam to be there? You just wanted to be the hero in the situation, instead you became a victim and got attacked. You're no stronger or bigger than the Avengers, you could've die Joaquin."

"Babe, please you have nothing to worry about, it's alright."

"Alright? Alright? You think putting yourself in danger and making me so worried every night that you may not come home is alright to me?"

Joaquin looks down.

"Do you think I like having the thought that I might have to bury my boyfriend one day? Or I get a knock on the door, hearing the news that you died during a mission or I get a call? Your voice starts to break.

"Baby, Y/N," Joaquin comes closer "Im sorry. It's just," You swallow trying to hold tears.

"I'm sorry. It's just," You swallow trying to hold back tears.
"You know everything that has happened these past years, it's just that if something happens to you, don't even get a chance to say goodbye or love you for the last time. That's what I'm afraid of."

Joaquin walks up to you, taking in his arms and just holds you. He sways just like a mother would do for their child in a crib so they can calm down.

Your tears and running nose stains his sweater, but he doesn't care about that right now. All he cares about is how you feel. He plants sweet, tender kisses to the top of your head. He then pulls back and you both look at each other. He smiles, while your tears are visible to the fact it was rolling down your face.

"l promise nothing will happen to me. And l'm sorry to make you worried, truly am."

You smile realizing you can't be mad at him any more longer. All you can do is be grateful that he's here in this moment with you, holding you. You cup his bruised face, he winces a bit but doesn't back away.
You kiss him passionately. He does the same b He cups your face with one hand and holds your waist. You both pull apart to take some air. You can't help but laugh with the tears rolling down your face.

"I love you, Y/N"
love you too, Joaquin."
"About that movie night?"
"Ok we can do it. But I'm picking the movie." "Fine with me, I do the popcorn."

You both smile and the rest of the night you cuddle together soundly watching your favourite movie inserted].

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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