The Magic School Bus | Bruce Banner

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Summary: After Y/N catches a common cold, it takes nothing but Bruce being the best supportive boyfriend he is with the help of watching The Magic School Bus

Pairing: Bruce Banner x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: none just major fluff

Y/N's POV:


I groaned annoyed as I grabbed another tissue from my nightstand and rubbed it against my harsh nose already red from so much rubbing against it. God, I hate being sick so much. Tony and the rest decided it would be best if I stay in my room as a kinda "quarantine" to make sure I don't get anyone else sick and that I take time to rest for myself from missions. Later throughout the day Vision would go through my bedroom wall to give me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Since he's a robot and doesn't have an immune system, he can't get sick. Lucky him. I scroll through the TV to see if there's anything to watch until I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I sit on my bed.

"Hey Y/N it's Bruce, can I come in please?"

The door opens and Bruce comes in with a huge smile. God, I love his dorky smile so much.

"Hey, Bruce,"

"Hey Y/N, how do you feel?"

"What do you think?" I said sarcastically with a sore throat so my voice was almost gone.

He laughed and started walking closer to my bed. I immediately pulled my blanket over me and covered the half top of my face.

"Bruce, you know I love you bae, but I don't wanna get you sick. Plus Tony might put you into quarantine."

"Honey I can't get sick. Remember? The big guy?"

I pulled down the cover of my blanket and smiled at him.

"Then come over and kiss me because if there's anything I hate about being sick, it's missing you."

Bruce came over and kissed me. I put my cold hands over his warm face. How it felt so good to touch it because I was cold all day and this whole week. We took a breather and then we cuddled together on my bed just watching movies, TV shows, really anything to keep ourselves entertained.

"I wish I could help you in the lab. I'm sorry."

"No, it's ok you don't have to apologize. You need rest and you'll get better soon. I promise."

"Can't you make me a chemical that will make me feel better?"

"I can give you cough syrup."

I started laughing but then started coughing from laughing too hard.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get the cough syrup."

As Bruce left the room, my throat started aching more and after a while, finally, I was done. As soon as Bruce came back, I had a pillow over my head from the huge headache I was experiencing.


"What?" My voice was muffled under my pillow.

"Come on, I have cough syrup."

"No, I hate the taste of it." I groaned.

"Y/N please take it."


I whined out thee while pulling the pillow from over my head and putting it aside. Bruce came up to me and gave me the spoon that had the cough syrup. I held the spoon and put it into my mouth. I cringed at the awful taste of it and when I swallowed it, I pretended to gag. Bruce was surely having a nice laugh about it.

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