Sort of A Flight Lesson | Stephen Strange

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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Fem!Reader (Perhaps college or platonic, either one of those)


Word Count: 1224+

Author Note:

It started, well how do you say? There are so many words to describe what I wanna say, but let's start simple. It started a pretty chill and relaxing Wednesday. I was in my friend Stephen's house, in his library, just laying down reading a book while listening to music on my iPod. I spend most of my time at Stephen's place, well in his library I should say. I usually draw, read, or like to drink tea with Stephen while I'm there. I love hanging out with Stephen. He's pretty chill and nice to hang out with.

One thing I find so amusing is his flying ability. I find it pretty cool that he can fly with or without his cloak. I always dreamed of being a little kid being able to float or fly around. That's why I always have my nose in a book about fairytales and fantasies, so I can imagine myself being able to do what Stephen can do. I was reading Peter Pan when Stephen walked into the library. I didn't notice since I had my headphones in until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I took out one headphone from my ear and looked up at Stephen whose head was hovering above me since I was laying down on his fancy Victorian couch. He had a smile on his face.

"Hey, Stephen, what's up?" I smiled back

"Hello Y/N, I'm doing well. Are you comfortable there?"

"Yes, I am thank you."

"What are you doing right now?"

"Just reading a book like pretty much every day when I'm at your place."

Stephen chuckled and walked around the couch so he could sit down next to me. I curl up my legs so he can be able to do so. I notice he's looking at my book.

"What are you reading?"

I look up from my book to look at him.

"Reading Peter Pan."

"Can I see?"

"Sure," I handed him my book.

He takes it and sees where I was left off reading. I was reading the part where Peter takes Wendy and her two younger brothers, John and Micheal flying to Neverland from London. I have always loved that part of Peter Pan, especially in the movies.

"You're reading Peter Pan?"

"Yes, it has always been a childhood favorite of mine."

"You know,"

I sit up on the couch to give Stephen my full attention.

"I have been noticing recently that every time you come here to read, your head is always in a made-up reality of things that seem impossible."

Uh oh. I think Stephen knows what I'm thinking about.

"It's just that," I sigh. "Growing up as a young kid, I have always dreamed of being able to live in a reality where things seem impossible just as you just said. And now I'm living in one, but there's no unique possibility for me."

"What do you mean?"

"You have magic powers you can make things float. You use it for a purpose, to protect others whether your name gets known or not. God, I probably sound stupid being jealous of something like that."

"No," Stephen puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I turn and look at him.

"It doesn't sound stupid. Everyone gets jealous of something. But I'm sorry you feel that way. You don't have to."

"Thank you Stephen I appreciate it. But we have these amazing people, like Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, and everyone who works at the Stark tower with their amazing ability. Even if they don't have powers they are still amazing."

"Y/N, you're amazing too just the way you are. And you always talk about wanting to help me with my magic and missions. But you're busy with your life. You are taking classes for the career you want, you have a job from 9 am to 4 pm, and I don't want you getting hurt. But how about this?"

Stephen now stands up from the couch walking to my side standing there.

"How about I can make you fly to make you feel a little better?"

A little smile appears on my face.

"You would do that? Can you do that?" I asked probably sounding dumb.

"Of course, why not try maybe just once?"

I was so excited. I took out the other earbud from my ear and sprung up from the long comfortable Victorian couch. I started fidgeting with my hands and smiling so much expressing to Stephen how much I am excited for this.

"Take out both your hands."

I obeyed and took them out and his soft touch immediately connected with mine.

"Now close your eyes and take a deep breath."

I did so too. After I did so, I felt a slight tingle around my body.

" can open them."

I do as he says I look at Stephen and at the ground. My feet aren't on it anymore. While the same for Stephen but instead he sits crissed crossed applesauce like a first grader. I turn my head back and see the laying flat in the air. I kick them up and down as if I'm swimming in the air. And my hair was also floating. I can't forget that.

"Let go of my hands."

"Huh?" I asked, sounding confused.

"Let go of my hands." He repeated.

I'm a little hesitant at first to let go. Even though Stephen is sweet and caring, most of the time ahh how do I say? He can be a bit sarcastic and not always nice. So I'm afraid he can drop me to the ground to annoy me.

"I-I don't know Stephen. What if I fall?"

"You won't Y/N. You can trust me. I promise."

I'm a bit skeptical of Stephen, but his voice assures me that I won't fall like a father teaching his kid how to ride a bike and letting him ride on his own. So I take that same trust a child would give his father to Stephen. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and let go expecting a huge impact to come on me to the floor. But I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and realized that I was still floating in the air.

I'm so shocked by this even when I floated for the first time. My excitement and being able to be proud of myself for a small achievement is just like that child learning to ride on his own. I held out both of my arms to see them move in the air. I look up to Stephen and see a big smile on his face with a "supposedly called wink."

I can't help but laugh at his cute attempt. I asked if he could hand me my book and he did so and from now on I can finally feel like a lost boy in Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan. Even me and Stephen would drink tea up in the air and we can see the hot liquid pouring slowly like if it was in Space.

It might not be like leaving the place you know to discover something new. But at least that fantasy of mine turned into a reality.

𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 | 𝑽𝒐𝒍. ¹Where stories live. Discover now