Chapter Ten

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Your Countess suddenly woke up due to your monitor it turns out your heart has reached the normal heart beat

Your countess's heart rise since she didn't knew the meaning of all of those monitor sounds she was relieved when she saw your heart is still beating and the monitor turned green

She stroked your hair and saw that your still breathing she discovered that your wounds were sore your countess sat on your bed and stretched she checked the time it was 3:00am in the morning

She groaned in a raspy tone and

She went downstairs and got an ice pack so your wounds can be treated immediately. She went to your room and chuckled a bit since she found it cute when you sleep.

She then closed your door so you guys won't be bothered she begun to pat your wounds gently with the ice pack that she got from downstairs. She removed the blanket over your body so she can see how many wounds you still have

At her surprise some of the scratches are quickly healing there are some wounds that has stitches but she didn't mind it since she wants it to heal naturally

Minutes after your ice pack treatment done by your countess. She quickly threw the bag of the used ice and pat your head and said "y/n I expect you to wake up by tomorrow" with a hopeless tone

Your countess got some wine for her since she can't sleep yet and grabbed her diary and her metal pen but she suddenly notices your portrait

Its the portrait at your first music cover that has published*

"Hmmm she is very much attractive"

Your countess continued to write on her diary so she can calm herself down she took a sip of wine every 7 minutes since her wine was strong

Your countess was beginning to be sleepy and she went to you and sleeps with you but before she sleeps she pat your head and stoked your hair

"Her wavy hair sure is smooth"

Hours has passed its 5:00 in the morning your countess heard a knock on the door your countess was dead sleep since she stayed up in the middle of the night

She didn't mind the knocking's but the knocking repeated your countess groaned and yawned since she was still sleepy and half awake

Your countess opened your door it turns out the doctors went to visit y/n so they can check if she can wake up by tomorrow or later

Your countess quickly held your hand and asked the doctors if you will wake up sooner or later

The doctors weren't sure when you will wake up but they told your countess that your heart is pretty much stronger than yesterday

Your countess sighed in relief but she is sill concerned for you when your gonna wake up

Your countess then thanked the doctors but the doctors were busy injecting something to you

Your countess sighed and called the other maidens to prepare breakfast for her and for her daughters the maidens quickly prepared breakfast but unfortunately one of the maidens

Spilled salt the particles of the salt were scattered and made a tingling noise at the tile floor of the castle the maidens tried to clean it as soon as possible but they failed

Your countess saw everything and looked at the maid that spilled the salt dead in the eyes her yellow eye were glowing with an irritated glare

The maid quickly apologized but the maid got dragged to the basement and your countess quickly called her 3 daughters

"I have some toys that you guys could play with"

The maid's heart sank looking at your countess the maid cried and cried it filled the room with cries
And screams the other maidens were stunned and got out quickly of the room

The 3 daughters dragged the maid with their sickle and Bela once started to twist her sickle and sipped the maid's blood the maid was screaming for help
But nothing would help her

The doctors was busy associating y/n

Your countess went for a smoke so she can get things off her mind

Once your countess was finished her smoke she came to your room to see you in your room your countess was surprised the doctors was still there

The doctors said "we should keep going m'lady"

Your countess thanked the doctors and the doctors left

Your countess then saw a blood stain on your arm she was curious how you tasted and she dipped her finger because she doesn't want your injections to be infected

"You taste divine dear I might keep you alive" with a chuckle

She went to close your door and snoop through your room she saw more of your pictures she saw your diary but she thought it was just a book of hers

What is in the diary? well its your reactions emotions about your life one of them is your parents passing and entering castle Dimitrescu and meeting lady Dimitrescu

She saw lots of pictures of you one of them is you in a gown it was your shooting day for a short film it was a inspired by victorian period

Your countess was amazed how beautiful you are in a dress she said to herself "interesting"

Your countess got back to her work and went to her room but she didn't forget to lock your room so you will be safe while resting

Your countess ate her breakfast inside of her room while doing some work done

Time skips........

Your countess was done she was surprised its already dawn luckily her 3 daughters already prepared dinner and your countess went to the dining area and asked what is for dinner?

Bela replied "well we prepared you the maid that we played with" with an evil smile

Your countess replied "your so kind to me daughters"

Your countess pat her 3 daughters on their forehead before eating dinner

Time past...

Your countess went to your room to check on you your still breathing which is good your still pale which makes your countess concerned

She spoke "goodnight y/n" she then continued and closed and locked your door

She went to her bedroom and took the last sip of her wine and went to sleep

To be continued.....

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