i. sleeping aid

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— reflection

— was this a fever dream? did toga manage to sneak into UA? or why was bakugou katsuki crawling into your bed at 2am in the morning?

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— was this a fever dream? did toga manage to sneak into UA? or why was bakugou katsuki crawling into your bed at 2am in the morning?

pairing: bakugou katsuki x gn!reader
w.c: 3.906
warnings: mentions of anxiety
tags: tooth-rotting fluff, sharing a bed, hurt/comfort, touch-starved

906warnings: mentions of anxietytags: tooth-rotting fluff, sharing a bed, hurt/comfort, touch-starved

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You blinked again, staring dumbly at the frowning face of Bakugou Katsuki. He was standing in front of you, dressed in pyjama pants and a black tank top and sporting even messier hair than usually.

All indications that the boy had just crawled out of bed and decided to come and knock on your door in the middle of the goddamn night for whatever reason.

And all of that because...well, why even?

"Bakugou?" you asked dumbfoundingly, finding your voice again after the initial shock.

He grumbled in recognition and gave you a curt nod, as if he was just passing by you in one of the corridors, then resumed staring at you.

You rubbed your eyes, before looking at him again, at the off-chance that this was just a fever dream and you had hallucinated the explosive boy standing in front of your door, in the darkness, in the middle of the night.

You hadn't.

Bakugou was still standing there, not making any indication to leave or tell you what he wanted. No, instead he was still staring at you as if he expected something from you.

As if he wanted you to do the work for him.


He shrugged.

Okay, did he not know how to talk or was he just trying to piss you off?

Slowly you were getting frustrated, the curiosity you had felt when you were awoken by the knock coming from your door had been short-lived and was now being replaced with an irritation only Bakugou Katsuki could awaken in a person.

He was probably just trying to rile you up or something. Or the Bakusquad had him forced to participate in "Truth and Dare" and he probably picked Dare, because what else would he pick, and that resulted in this.

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