ii. no strings to hold us down

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— reflection

(contains manga spoilers for 299)

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(contains manga spoilers for 299)

with the aftermath of the jaku hospital raid, people's faith in hero society was crumbling and the HPSC was at a total standstill. keigo and you, who's been by his side since childhood, find yourselves confronted with your sudden freedom, now that there were no strings holding the two of you down (and apart) anymore.

pairing: takami keigo x fem!reader
w.c: 4.296
warnings: angst with happy ending, minor injuries
tags: childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, childhood trauma, fluff and angst

(this was requested on tumblr)

The silence hung thickly in the air of the freshly washed car, weighing heavily on you

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The silence hung thickly in the air of the freshly washed car, weighing heavily on you. A glance to the side told you that Keigo was still asleep, head propped up against the window.

He'd fallen asleep as soon as you'd taken off from the hospital, the only sign he was still alive was the even lifting and lowering of his chest.

You knew he was fine, Keigo was the most stubborn person you knew and as long as he hadn't given up yet, there was nothing that could keep him from going on. Still, there was this little voice at the back of your head, barely an itch, that urged you to make sure just once more, if he was still alive, still breathing, still going.

He'd taken a lot of damage during his battle with Dabi. The villain hadn't held back, hadn't even hesitated when he'd burned his wings off, almost ruining the cells in his shoulder blades they were sprouting from beyond fixing, before he had moved on to his face and neck, leaving nasty burn marks behind wherever his hands had reached.

You remembered when you had stormed into his room, ignoring everyone who told you to take care of your own injured first, to take it slow, saying Keigo needed rest now, and you had first laid eyes on his battered form. The bandages covering his body, the absence of his wings, the peaceful look on his burned face as he was still sleeping soundly.

For a moment, a never ending moment, you had thought he was dead. You wouldn't have known what to do then, when Keigo had actually left you behind, all alone in a big cold world, a world even colder without his silly jokes and genuine smiles. It had been awful, that feeling of dread, heavy and suffocating, that had taken a grip on your throat and squeezed.

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