i. safe haven

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— reflection

— barely escaping danger, you find yourself dazed and vulnerable at hawks' doorstep, who comes to your aid and takes care of you

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barely escaping danger, you find yourself dazed and vulnerable at hawks' doorstep, who comes to your aid and takes care of you.

pairing: takami keigo x gn!reader
w.c: 4.028
warnings: mentions of injuries, reader was drugged (not by hawks), vomiting
tags: angst and fluff, hurt/comfort, Hawks acts like a bird (kinda), mutual pining

Everything happened too quickly for you to fully comprehend the movements of your fingers against the device on your wrist, too fast and too coordinated to be anything but a subconscious and instinctual reaction

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Everything happened too quickly for you to fully comprehend the movements of your fingers against the device on your wrist, too fast and too coordinated to be anything but a subconscious and instinctual reaction.

There was screaming, you thought. Loud, aggressive shouts filling the run-down warehouse you had stumbled into in the attempt to get away from them.

It hadn't bought you a lot of time, how could it, in that state you were barely able to keep yourself upright, even less capable of actually running. Your feet had dragged over the cement floor, your mind all dizzy.

They had known that, haunted you with threats, again and again, screamed at the top of their lungs, as you had tried to create distance between yourself and the group of men that were hunting you.

They hadn't considered your teleporter though.

You had forgotten about it too for a second there. Your brain was too fuzzy to concentrate on more than one thought at once. Your prominent instinct telling you to "Run. Run. Run."

When you had noticed there was nowhere to hide, entries and exits all blocked, men everywhere. That you had been backed into a corner, too weak on your legs to run and too dazed to think of another plan, your fingers had started moving on their own.

Your fingers were shaking when they followed the sequence of motions you had gone over time and time again. You were sure you would be able to recall it in your sleep after you've done it so many times, and that theory was confirmed when the familiar buzzing sensation finally enveloped your skin.

There was a hand in your peripheral vision, stretching towards you, reaching closer and closer, almost touching you...

You were ripped away the second before it could make contact with your skin.

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