iii. cat your tongue? part 2

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— reflection

— the quirk lasted 72 hours but you weren't even sure if you'd survive the first 24

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the quirk lasted 72 hours but you weren't even sure if you'd survive the first 24...not with your mouth stupidly moving on its own and spouting the most catastrophical things when around a certain blond

w.c: 3.024

The three days would be harder than you'd originally thought

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The three days would be harder than you'd originally thought.

Not only had you underestimated how truly draining it was to be commenting on literally anything that came to mind (you did start to wonder how Deku did it, mumbling to yourself was exhausting!) but you had also forgotten what kind of people you liked to call your friends.

How it had fleeted your mind you didn't know, after all it was Mina and Kaminari, the most gossip centered nosy little fuck you knew, that were concerned. The both of them were always up in other people's business, a well-matched team you might say...of course they would take advantage of your "illness".

The "truth illness" you started to call it, because this was truly sickening, nothing else.

It should have come to no surprise that the two of them, your ex friends might you add, would corner you as soon as the school day was done and Aizawa was out of sight. Since your teacher had the decency to warn everyone of the consequences if he caught them annoying you, since this was the hero course and nobility and blah blah blah...that is what Mina and Kaminari probably heard.

Aizawa's words went in one ear and out the other...there was no organ in between to stop it after all. These stupid morons.

As soon as the threat of your teacher wasn't looming in front of them anymore with the scolding glare he sent towards them, they threw caution out of the window and bombarded you with questions.

You couldn't even be mad if it were good questions, like "what's your darkest secret?" "Have you ever committed a crime?" "what do you think about bakugou's boobs?" Those would have been solid and although you would have been annoyed, even embarrassed you would have also respected them.

Instead they asked you shit like what your opinion was on who was the prettier friend...you wanted to throw yourself out of a window.

Your head started to ache with every new question they threw towards you and you didn't know if it was because talking itself was so exhausting or because their voices triggered a fight or flight and your body ignoring the natural instinct was harmful for it...

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