iii. nobody to make us fret or frown

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— reflection

(contains manga spoilers for 303)

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(contains manga spoilers for 303)

during the final showdown against Dabi, you get separated from the Top Three and badly injured.

pairing: takami keigo x fem!reader
w.c: 2.168
warnings: fatal injury, mention of blood, angst wigh happy ending
tags: near death, more angst than fluff, almost love confession, established relationship

168warnings: fatal injury, mention of blood, angst wigh happy endingtags: near death, more angst than fluff, almost love confession, established relationship

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This is the day I die , you thought.

On a cold Friday night in February. The day rain swept-and unpleasantly chilly and the night sky black with clouds blotting out the starry sky.

This is where I die , you thought.

On the dirty ground of an abandoned warehouse, lying in the filth and grime, separated from your boyfriend and the other two pro-heroes. The smell of smoke burned your lungs, as it lay thick in the air although you were surrounded by darkness.

This is how I die.

Choking on your own blood, a gaping wound in your torso, freezing, ridden by fear...alone. Cold and alone. Terrified and alone. In pain and alone.

Alone, alone, alone.

You were alone.

You remembered when you'd all gone over the plan a few days ago. You had gotten the information you needed, Dabi's present locations, the scale of his powers and everything that had happened years ago in the Todoroki household. To the entire extent. The tragedy of the man you'd only knew as a monster before, dead purple patched decorating his body, only kept together by the many many staples (truly the visualisation of a Frankenstein's monster)...it had stemmed from a child, a son, craving his fathers love and admiration.

You'd felt sorry for him, back when you had all decided for a time and date, an attack strategy, the executors, a plan B and C and D....You still did, even knowing about all the people he hurt and killed, innocent people, too.

The knowledge that you could have turned out similarly, without the paternal guidance and security to guide you and already committing crimes as a young girl...if it wasn't for Keigo, Dabi could have been what you'd see in the mirror every day.

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