iv. cat got your tongue? part 3

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— reflection

— just a little bit less than 24 hours and you'd be finally free of this truth quirk that makes you say stupid things in front of your crush

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— just a little bit less than 24 hours and you'd be finally free of this truth quirk that makes you say stupid things in front of your crush...unfortunately said crush, Bakugou Katsuki, does not care and chooses to confront you about your weird behaviour either way.

w.c: 3.410

Bakugou still continued to avoid you after

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Bakugou still continued to avoid you after. Worst of all, it was so painfully obvious that it was completely out of question you were misinterpreting it in a way you could talk yourself out of believing he wasn't.

Which you'd loved to, just to spare your heart the pain.

But, no, unlike most other situations including the blond he was very loud in a very quiet way. He didn't curse you out or told you to get lost, no, but he didn't look at you anymore during class (not even when you blurted out a comment about Deku's mumbling habits) and didn't join your weekly study lesson with the rest of the bakusquad.  And it even lasted into the next day when you slid into your seat and didn't even receive the usual grumpy good morning.

You'd be glad, really, if you weren't so certain Bakugou didn't just avoid you out of the goodness of his heart. No, you felt like he kept his distance because he was honestly pissed at you.

It wasn't anything new really. 

Bakugou was pissed at a lot of things on a daily basis, and yes you had managed to piss him off, too, quite frequently, as well. Although it had never gone as far as him willfully ignoring your existence.

Because usually the blond was quite bad at ignoring. You didn't expect he'd ever be able to, but apparently you were an exception...

"I hate that you're ignoring me," you blurted out after class, your unpacked bag abandoned on your chair as you were glaring holes into the broad back of the angry blond.

Bakugou was standing with his back turned to you, shoulders hunching a little at the sound of your words, though he didn't turn to look. He just continued to stuff his belongings into his bag.

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