ii. cat got your tongue? part 1

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— reflection

— you are screwed

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you are screwed. more than just screwed. why did a truth quirk out of all things had to hit you? and why exactly did you have to blurt into Bakugou's face that you thought he was really pretty?

pairing: bakugou katsuki x gn!reader
w.c: 5.004
warnings: reader is an emotionally constipated idiot and swears a lot
tags: truth quirk, emotional constipation, bakugou katsuki is bad at feelings, mutual pining, fluff and angst, misunderstandings

004warnings: reader is an emotionally constipated idiot and swears a lottags: truth quirk, emotional constipation, bakugou katsuki is bad at feelings, mutual pining, fluff and angst, misunderstandings

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Everyone in your classroom was too loud for this early hour...

The chattering of your classmates echoed through the room and with the level of noise constantly rising you felt the incoming headache almost come into reach.

You were tired, so tired. More so than usual.

You weren't really a morning person in general, you liked sleeping long and a lot and the early school hours really did you dirty with starting at 8am instead of like 10am.

You would have loved those two more hours of sleep, but the department for education (or whoever originally decided for school to start this early) had clearly not considered that teenagers your age were not made to go to bed super early and get up even earlier...

Well, most weren't. You knew there was at least one person in your class who was always well rested and although you weren't a malicious person at all, seeing him sit at his desk next to yours looking as gorgeous as always, no dark circles beneath his eyes or any other signs of tiredness in sight, made you feel a little bitter.

And it wasn't just because you were tired that you felt like half a wreck really. No, sleeping through your 5 set alarms wasn't really that much of a rare occurrence...unfortunately. You were also used to rushing, getting ready, or eating your breakfast quickly, so that wasn't it, either.

No, what had really ruined your day for you (and you might be dramatic but that's okay), was when you had bumped into someone on your way over to your classroom. Which made you spill all your precious coffee all over the floor.

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