i. in your arms

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— reflection

— denki had become a lot more touchy lately with you, constantly seeking out touch from you specifically and you are slowly losing your mind about it

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— denki had become a lot more touchy lately with you, constantly seeking out touch from you specifically and you are slowly losing your mind about it...

pairing: kaminari denki x enby!reader
w.c: 7.009
warnings: reader is emotionally constipated, denki is touch-starved, (author crying while writing this because of cuteness)
tags: tooth-rotting fluff, sharing a bed, touch-starved denki, touch-starved reader, mutual pining,  holding hands, movie nights, cuddling, sharing clothes

009warnings: reader is emotionally constipated, denki is touch-starved, (author crying while writing this because of cuteness)tags: tooth-rotting fluff, sharing a bed, touch-starved denki, touch-starved reader, mutual pining,  holding hands, movie...

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Being a hero course student in UA already came with enough high expectations and overbearing responsibilities that with time any normal person (as normal as someone who's striving to fight bad guys for the rest of their lives can be at least) would start to go a little insane.

It came with the job, you liked to think so.

Especially since your class in particular, class 1-A, was quite popular with a certain league of villains and thus confronted by death more often than anybody your age should be.

Not that the adults in your life seemed to worry too much about the lasting trauma those encounters could leave on young teenagers, 15 and 16 year olds to be specific. Since being a hero just brought that along, alongside guilt complexes and the loss of some pieces of your sanity.

You were getting quite worried over that actually. Your sanity, that is. You've started questioning it since of late, and it was all because of a certain electric blond.

It had all started on a Monday and of course it had to be a Monday because these were the worst. You had stood in the kitchen of the common area, preparing a snack.

Just a sweet little something to treat yourself to after the day, one that had felt even more like Aizawa was truly out to get you instead of teach you...that man was insane. He was a good teacher, but he was absolutely insane.

You had already changed out of your uniform and into a comfortable hoodie that was a little very much too big on you with shorts on beneath and cozy socks on your feet, needing the comfort of oversized and warm clothes while preparing your food.

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